Garden Decor

Oh, you got that one, did you? I thought your brain was on strike. Rather selective picket line it's using.
Professur said:
dude, if you can't tell the difference between a bush and a shrubbery, you really need to put that tongue away.

I never said I was an expert on plants, that's why I'm asking the resident green thumbs.
Professur said:
Oh, you got that one, did you? I thought your brain was on strike. Rather selective picket line it's using.

It's perking up because it knows it's getting fed soon
I made my decision - I went with lazy. I have a butterfly garden seed mix in the backyard along one fence, and i've put the new lily and new geranium there - I figger that'll be the assorted garden. I hope that butterfly mix doesn't also mean mondo-powered bee attractor, but I have a feeling it does.

Out front, I've got mixed forget-me-not seeds (mailed as a gift from the vet in memory of my poor kitty) and low-growing wildflower mix, just around the stairs. It's the kind of flowers I like, and if I see some violets or a nice pot of daisies along the way, I can still stick those in with.

Here's hoping there is indeed no more frost.
I can't tell what it is. :confuse3:
I think it is a small tree that they keep cutting back more than a bush or a shrub. But I've been known to be wrong once or twice.

You can go in the middle of the night, steal a few leaves, put them in damp paper towel, then go to the garden center the next morning and they'll find it for you :D That is what I'd do.
Leslie said:
I can't tell what it is. :confuse3:
I think it is a small tree that they keep cutting back more than a bush or a shrub. But I've been known to be wrong once or twice.

You can go in the middle of the night, steal a few leaves, put them in damp paper towel, then go to the garden center the next morning and they'll find it for you :D That is what I'd do.

hmmmm, I wonder if a twig could be rooted? :D
If it hasn't gone to wood yet, yes. But you get better results if you can :

cut flaps into the branch from the bottom (not cutting them off) and wedge them open with a small round bit of wood. A piece of toothpick works, but I'd rather use a stripped piece of the same plant. Then cut a styrofoam or paper cup so that you can slip it around the branch just below your cuts, ensuring that the entire cuts are within the cup. Fill the cup with soil, and water lightly. Within a few weeks, this will root, and you'll be able to cut if off the parent plant at the bottom of the cup. You have to leave it long enough to grow enough roots to sustain everything above it.
Difficult my ass, I just wanted to jump outta my car and whack off a twig. You got me landscaping the local Burger King. :grinno:
They're heartier than you think... bring a pair of sharp scissors and walk slowly. For minimum wage, nobody working there will try and stop you...there's no need to turn this in M.I. IV - Cruise's quest for some bush