Gas Prices - how are they where you are?

chcr said:
Welcome to my paranoid little world. Make yourself convertable and watch while Gonz tries to tell us the conservatives are going to fix everything and that everything bad is the liberal's fault. :lol:

Tsk, tsk. Cheap shots like that one are so passe. Even the most jaded conservative knows that the only way to fix the problem is by becoming more fuel efficient. It's the libs that are screaming for the opening of the national reserve. ;) I've been saying for a long time that gas guzzlers are not the way to go...and I'm conservative/libertarian.
Gato_Solo said:
Tsk, tsk. Cheap shots like that one are so passe. Even the most jaded conservative knows that the only way to fix the problem is by becoming more fuel efficient. It's the libs that are screaming for the opening of the national reserve. ;) I've been saying for a long time that gas guzzlers are not the way to go...and I'm conservative/libertarian.
I'm in a pissy mood. :shrug: You always seem to expect me to be a better person than I really am. ;) (j/k) Anyway, re the second part of your post, hear hear. It's why I stopped driving the T/A, sold the '55 and bought the Contour. I still can't get Dara to give up the 4runner though, but I will.
chcr said:
I'm in a pissy mood. :shrug: You always seem to expect me to be a better person than I really am. ;) (j/k) Anyway, re the second part of your post, hear hear. It's why I stopped driving the T/A, sold the '55 and bought the Contour. I still can't get Dara to give up the 4runner though, but I will.

Ask her why she likes the 4runner, and I'll bet you from dollars to donuts that one of the first 5 things she says will be about safety. When that comes out, show her this. If that doesn't work, have her play this game. ;)

BTW...the only safe SUV is the Hummer H1...and we all know the gas milage on that beast.
We've already had the safety discussion. Her big thing is the four-wheel drive, which I have proved to be useless for her purposes and numerous occasions. I'm sure you know what happens when you prove your wife wrong... :lloyd:
chcr said:
We've already had the safety discussion. Her big thing is the four-wheel drive, which I have proved to be useless for her purposes and numerous occasions. I'm sure you know what happens when you prove your wife wrong... :lloyd:

I've never proven my wife wrong. She does that on her own. ;) I just sit there, with a slight smirk when she's not looking. :grinyes:
lol, about right too.... there was another a while back... arm, leg, that kinda thing... see if I can find it....
Chateaugay NY was at $3.99/gallon. The girl behind the counter counldn't understand why I was smiling as I paid. Beats the hell out of the $1.36/liter in Montreal. ($5.182/gallonCAN or $4.364US$)

And that's right where they want you. Mum and I were discussing that yesterday, coming down from the cottage. At a station in Lachute gas was 1.319/l and they were lined up around the block. Then on island, it was 1.399, and the shore was 1.349.

As we drove past the 1.349 she said, "well, that's not so bad." It's the fucking Helsinki symdrome.
A bit of an extreme example...but yeah.

Then again...I'm in the crowd thinking that no matter what happens over the next few months re: oil supplies, that we'll never see the prices from 1 month ago ever again.

Get used to it... we're bent over, OPEC's behind the lot of us and they didn't bring the petroleum jelly.
No. the problem is the sheep, who'll shrug their shoulders and moan, "What can we do?"

do you see anyone protesting against it? Any picket lines around service stations? Fire bombings? Tanker hijacks? Dead futures traders? Oil baron's scantily clad daughters taken hostage?

Neither do I.
Professur said:
No. the problem is the sheep, who'll shrug their shoulders and moan, "What can we do?"

do you see anyone protesting against it? Any picket lines around service stations? Fire bombings? Tanker hijacks? Dead futures traders? Oil baron's scantily clad daughters taken hostage?

Neither do I.

:hmm: So much for my element of surprise. Thanks a lot.

[/scantily clad oil baron daughter Google search]