

Staff member
...i was just picturing you in the middle of this HUGE desert with a desk with a computer all set up and stuff and you just sitting in the middle of the desert chatting with us...make me laugh out loud so I thought I'd share...must be a real bitch keeping the inside of that thing clear of sand...especially when it start blowing... :lol2:

Oh man...I dunno what I'm on today but I'd like some more please :brush:
I wanan know how he powers his computer...and his A/C that cools his tent...a REALLY long extension cord? :brush:
A/C powered by the sun...hmmm...interesting...*scratches chin*
If he's in Ku-wait he might be afforded some of the modern conveniences we take for granted like indoor plumbing and showers.

Also being middle-aged like me and having been in the military for a long time he prolly has a position befitting his rank! (I've never been in the military)

We have a guy on our board that is a Cav Trooper.
He manages to post from time to time.
He sez he's lost count @ 343 the number of confirmed kills his platoon has and that he's lost 30 LBS since he went to Iraq. One of his first goals here in a month when he returns to 'the world' is to gain his weight back!

gato is in logistics (as was i) so that means in the rear with the gear. and most of that stuff would grind to a stand still without computers (especially supply). i don't doubt his digs are less than cozy but i think he has AC and a non sand floor.
Winky said:
...and that he's lost 30 LBS since he went to Iraq. One of his first goals here in a month when he returns to 'the world' is to gain his weight back!

He won't have too much troubles with that :D My bro-in-law lost about that much in Afghanistan, and the moment that he was back on Can was "Ooh...something that I havn't eaten in the last 6 months." over and over again. He's now thinking of going back to lose some of the extra poundage :D
tonksy said:
gato is in logistics (as was i) so that means in the rear with the gear. and most of that stuff would grind to a stand still without computers (especially supply). i don't doubt his digs are less than cozy but i think he has AC and a non sand floor.

Gato a rubberhead?
Yes, but how do you have AC in TENTS? and How is the said AC powered in the middle of a huge sandbox?!
Nixy said:
Yes, but how do you have AC in TENTS? and How is the said AC powered in the middle of a huge sandbox?!

Generators, dear. Big, heavy, JP-8 powered generators. Look similar to this...


only in working condition, and tan in color...