Gay marriages illegal

That's easy... the people. Our government is based on rule by the people for the people.

But heres the thing - - He already knew it was against the wishes of the people, the people had spoken.

In the year of 2000 a measure called ‘The Protection of Marriage Act’ was placed before the peoples of California . We voted and passed the act which clearly stated a marriage is the union of a man and a woman. (Proposition 22)

The law that the people had passed was to protect traditional marriage. Mayor Newsome recklessly disregarded the law and circumvented any and all legal processes to effect change. He dictated and became the law.

He acted outside the bounds of his authority. Objectively there is no two ways about it he violated the will of the people, the law.

What is to prevent me from selling assault weapons under the second amendment? I would be in jail by sundown.

Newsome is no Rosa Parks; he is more like Governor Wallace standing in the doorway of AlabamaUniversity.

Civil disobedience is done by civilians, not by the government.
Actually no...I got bounced this pic from a parishioner...thought that it was hilarious and had a place to use it. :shrug:

On the topic: The first step in overturning a law which you feel should not be on the books is civil disobedience of that law. His position allowed him to do so, in spades.
mmK, I'll type it slower this time.

Civil disobedience is an act of defiance against the Government, not by the government. His position is a hard-point of the establishment, he had sworn duty to the people to uphold the law.

When the government defies government and the rule of law has no bearing it’s called anarchy.

The method he should have used is called due process.
ResearchMonkey said:
mmK, I'll type it slower this time.

Civil disobedience is an act of defiance against the Government, not by the government. His position is a hard-point of the establishment, he had sworn duty to the people to uphold the law.

When the government defies government and the rule of law has no bearing it’s called anarchy.

The method he should have used is called due process.

The fact that we works for the GVT shouldn't have any bearing of wether he can use Civil disobedience (as an individual) against a law which he feels is wrong. Laws should apply equally to all, and the right to protest laws equally as well.

Police officers are also sworn to uphold the law, as are legal-clerks, etc etc... must they hold their tongues?

Perhaps he went a bit far, but he is the only one with the authority to defy this particular law. Perhaps Priests too...I'd guess. I'm not sure how the red-tape for legal marriage flows in the USA.
There is no grey here, it is black and white.

He can, as a civilian, do whatever civil disobedience he likes, that's fine.

When he used his official capacity and governmental resources to re-write and execute law that goes directly against law created by a higher authority, the people. He abused his powers granted to him by the people.

He has sworn to uphold the law, not to disreguad what he disagrees with, that is violation of public trust.

He clearly violated the authority granted him and he should be removed from office and be held accountable.

You might feel he did a good thing, so what! He violated the law and the public trust by choice. Again there is no grey here.
MrBishop said:

If he is elected president, Democratic presidential candidate Sen. John Kerry hinted he might review the "don't ask, don't tell" policy on gays in the military.

Kerry commented on the thorny issue in an article published in Monday's edition of the Army Times and its sister publications Navy Times, Air Force Times and Marine Times.

"It seems to me we are losing a lot of talent for our nation in interpreters, in intelligence, in a lot of different things," Kerry said in the interview. "There must be a way for those people to serve somehow."

Since "don't ask, don't tell" was adopted in 1994, nearly 10,000 military personnel have been discharged, according to data published by the Associated Press and obtained from the Defense Manpower Data Center. They included linguists, nuclear warfare experts and other key specialists.

Kerrydotcom said:
Speaking Out Against the Clinton Administration Ban on Gays in the Military: John Kerry opposed the Clinton administration's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy and was one of a few senators to testify before the Senate Armed Services Committee against the policy.

Did he testify for, against or for & then against?