Geckos don't like Glenn Beck

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If one penny of taxes is taken from me to pay for government healthcare, I'll pay for yours too. Bad plan.
No, I think I'll take the public option as soon as it's available.
It might be a good idea to find out which places will and won't take the public insurance before you do that. Higher co-pays for out-of-network providers can get expensive.

Have they told us any of that yet? What the public option would pay for the various things? Stuff like 80 percent paid for routine checkups, 60 percent for out-of-network lab work, etc.
Yeah this is the same Stossel who is known to make up news stories that aren't even true! I can see why he would have your undying respect and admiration! I mean you and the truth have never been in the same zip code!

Cool now we can watch the regularly scheduled lies and fear mongering on the all fear channel! We can all be bigger idiots and drink that kool aid!
I couldn't find anything that said he was making up stories, but I did see quite a few that mentioned his move to FOX Biznews.
In Defense of Fox News

Liberals scoff at any person who points out the obvious fact that the mainstream media is overwhelmingly biased to the left. And Fox News Channel, through the eyes of a liberal, is nothing but conservative propaganda. Cable news personalities on CNN and MSNBC discredit Fox, pretending that they haven’t been overshadowed by FNC’s success for years on end.

The simple reality is that, especially recently, Fox News has been the only source of quality journalism and reporting in the cable news realm. The billoreillynumbers speak for themselves; Fox is consistently on top. On the evening of Tuesday, September 15, Bill O’Reilly’s viewership was 4,039,000, followed by Hannity, Beck, Greta, Baier, and Shep Smith—all above 2 and 3 million. The closest a rival station came to Fox was MSNBC’s Keith Olberman, at a modest 1.3 million.

So if Fox News is merely a “tool of the right” to feed the fire of the angry conservative conspiracy, then why exactly is it the most watched, most trusted and most successful cable news station?
Cerise said:
So if Fox News is merely a “tool of the right” to feed the fire of the angry conservative conspiracy, then why exactly is it the most watched, most trusted and most successful cable news station?

I love the logic there. Most watched = not right wing biased tool.

If a Britney Spears album goes tot he top of the charts that must make her most intelligent.
Popularity doesn't make something truthful or even good.

Holy crap! We aggree.

Although, probably not on the same points.

All the names mentioned in that blurb, Cerise, are not "journalists". They're hosts. The take a legitimate news story & investigate it, report on their findings & spend an fifty minutes leading up to a 10 minute story.

Much of their information is nice to have. Usually, its' true.

However, agendized information is just that.
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