Geckos don't like Glenn Beck

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Well I don't know if you meant it or if it just looked different on the iPhone, but when I visited your link there were craploads of off the wall polls, I am not sure anyone should care about. I just think it is bizare the results.

Rasmussen only asks strongly approve or disapprove. When you just go to approve or disapprove you get a 51% approval rating.

Clearly the people who are angry are much more loud and threatening, that most folks feel it is worse than with Bush. So when you take a result like you did you seem to infer that 59% are angry, yet 51% approve? You have to actually think about the polls rather than just knee-jerk and show only statistics that back your opinion up!

We all know statistics and polls can easily be made to lie. Cerise is forever trying to do that, but few are fooled!

Seems fairly clear to me.

59% Say Americans Angrier Now Than Under Bush.

That is a nifty pictograph they have at Gallup.


At least we can all agree that is a unprecedented trend happening.



Are you that fucking thick or is it an act? I am not angrier at Obama than I was at Bush, but I have said many times that I think America in general was angrier at Obama than Bush. Therefore I am one of the 59%, therefore, you do not have to be angry at Obama personally to say that you think Americans are angrier!

Does that explain things for you little dude? Now off to bed! Don't forget to brush your teeth, or soak yer dentures or what-have-you!
So you were thinking no other president has been lower than 51% after 8 months? I don't suppose you have any evidence for that?

I know Reagan's slipped a little lower than Obama's in his first year and Clinton was at around 45% in May of his first year. So it looks like your claim is just false or made up.

No other black President......well except Clinton. (lol racist)

But seriously: Truman, replaced Roosevelt - dropped a few nukes then he brought home millions of servicemen into a country still geared to fight World War II. Yeah, he dropped fairly quickly as unions bitched.

Obama was elected and has created an atmosphere where the people are pissed at his actions directly. Again its complicated and there are lots of websites that explain parts of the problem. The problem is too large to fit on a simple forum post.

People are discovering that Obama's actions (and subversion) are not what they want from a US President.


Well, I'm glad you could admit that your claim was completely fabricated an you are wrong but then you go and fabricate new claims.

You just make shit up with your wishful thinking and then type it here as if it were actually true.

Any dissatisfaction from people that voted for him is mostly because he's reaching out to republicans too much. It's honorable, but we voted for someone that would get healthcare reform. Fuck what the republicans say.
Any dissatisfaction from people that voted for him is mostly because he's reaching out to republicans too much. It's honorable, but we voted for someone that would get healthcare reform. Fuck what the republicans say.

Yeah, I think you might be right.

I thought 0bummer was a self-claimed centrist, who seeks bi-partisan support on the bills his transparent administration puts forth.
He has been seeking bipartisan support. The republicans are being partisan though and it's becoming increasingly obvious that they're not bringing any ideas to the table. They're just going to scream "death panels, eugenics, killing grandma, fear fear fear" and should be completely ignored.
Are you OK with the realization that if they push the nuclear option to get 0bamacare passed, and it turns out to be the boondoggle it is predicted to be, the dems will own it. They will have noone to blame but themselves for passing it.
It's predicted to be a very effective reform that helps a lot of Americans. I would love for the Dems to own it and the Reps to have had no hand in it. That way it doesn't get watered down with pandering to the insurance company interests.
But if the dems force it through, and it turns out to be horrible, can you accept the fact that it's all the dem's fault? Would you still love for the dems to own it?
Sure, but if it goes through and turns out to work very well can you accept the fact the the Reps have acted like idiots?
If it comes out horrible the reform will get further reformed, what of it?!?


When Republicans warn about not rushing it they mean until they can destroy it outright or gut it until it is reform in name only....
yep, nothing, or bad legislation, seem to be all that's on the agendas these days.

There's just a few that really want to work, but seems a very few.
Obama Will Spend More on Welfare in the Next Year Than Bush Spent on Entire Iraq War, Study Reveals

As a candidate for president, Barack Obama decried the financial toll that the Iraq war was taking on the economy, but Obama’s proposed spending on welfare through 2010 will eclipse Bush’s war spending by more than $260 billion.

During the entire administration of George W. Bush, the Iraq war cost a total of $622 billion, according to the Congressional Research Service.

President Obama’s welfare spending will reach $888 billion in a single fiscal year--2010--more than the Bush administration spent on war in Iraq from the first “shock and awe” attack in 2003 until Bush left office in January.
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