Geckos don't like Glenn Beck

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Skyrockets on Tuesday, 9-22-09.

Expectations among book retailers are high as Glenn Beck's newest book,
Arguing with Idiots: How to Stop Small Minds and Big Government is expected to hit book shelves on Tuesday. The pre-release sales of Beck's newest endevour has remained within the top 50 best sellers on for the past three weeks and just prior to release is the 3rd ranked book on Amazon and is currently ranked #7 in company sales by Barnes & Noble. Beck's
Arguing with Idiots: How to Stop Small Minds and Big Government is released on the heels of his previous best-seller Common Sense which debuted atop the New York Times best seller list when released. In addition, a massive increase in audience, propelling Beck's show to the the top of Cable News Network ratings is expected to further enhance sales.

The release of Beck's newest book is proving to be a point of frustration to liberal organizations and authors who are consistently frustrated by an inability to generate public interest among book sales, television ratings or radio talk-show ratings. The release of 50 Ways You Can Help Obama Change America failed to generate public interest as sales floundered. True Compass: A Memoir of Edward Kennedy
provided hope to the liberal community as the book has broken into a marketplace that been dominated by the popularity of conservative titles. However, True Compass: A Memoir of Edward Kennedy
is not expected nor likely to remain atop the best sellers list with the release of Arguing with Idiots: How to Stop Small Minds and Big Government. At this point it appears that the only book that will maintain higher sales than Glenn Beck's Arguing with Idiots: How to Stop Small Minds and Big Government will be the bestselling fiction novel, Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol.
Beck to Couric: When I was an alcoholic, I was liberal; when I got sober, I dumped all that nonsense

"I wasn't a liberal for any other reason than I wanted to keep all my options on the table. Know what I mean? To be able to say 'there's nothing wrong with that' and 'it doesn't hurt society' and 'hey, that's cool'.....Social liberalism is an easy way to live your life.

"When I sobered up I took a look at all the things I believed in...."

Katie thought she had an easy target, but, not so much.
Glenn Beck is a moron. When a sponsor like Geico pulls out, you know its bad. The guy is such a moron Rush looks good by comparison.

If by bad you mean increasing the value of the market share, well then you would be correct. It's funny how commies interpret the data and facts.

Monday, 21 2009
5PM – P2+ (25-54) (35-64)
  1. Glenn Beck– 2,786,000 viewers (720,000) (1,287,000)
  2. Situation Room—780,000 viewers (168,000) (279,000)
  3. Hardball w/ Chris Matthews—486,000 viewers (93,000) (199,000)
  4. Fast Money—236,000 viewers (54,000) (83,000)
  5. Prime News–286,000 viewers (117,000) (166,000)

Monday, 21 2009
P2+ Prime Time
  1. FNC – 2,476,000viewers
  2. CNN— 799,000 viewers
  3. MSNBC –800,000 viewers
  4. CNBC – 224,000 viewers
  5. HLN – 593,000viewers

Monday, 21 2009
  1. FNC 16,612 52.3%
  2. CNN 5,265 16.6%
  3. MSNBC 4,714 14.9%
  4. CNBC 1,529 4.8%
  5. HLN 3,623 11.4%
  6. 31,743

People gravitate towards the truth.

If by bad you mean increasing the value of the market share, well then you would be correct. It's funny how commies interpret the data and facts.

Monday, 21 2009
5PM – P2+ (25-54) (35-64)
  1. Glenn Beck– 2,786,000 viewers (720,000) (1,287,000)
  2. Situation Room—780,000 viewers (168,000) (279,000)
  3. Hardball w/ Chris Matthews—486,000 viewers (93,000) (199,000)
  4. Fast Money—236,000 viewers (54,000) (83,000)
  5. Prime News–286,000 viewers (117,000) (166,000)

Monday, 21 2009
P2+ Prime Time
  1. FNC – 2,476,000viewers
  2. CNN— 799,000 viewers
  3. MSNBC –800,000 viewers
  4. CNBC – 224,000 viewers
  5. HLN – 593,000viewers

Monday, 21 2009
  1. FNC 16,612 52.3%
  2. CNN 5,265 16.6%
  3. MSNBC 4,714 14.9%
  4. CNBC 1,529 4.8%
  5. HLN 3,623 11.4%
  6. 31,743

People gravitate towards the truth.


People also gravitate towards shock jocks and train wrecks. Glen Beck is the Jerry Springer of political talk!
Geez Louise.......where is the Sleaze? :shrug:

Oh you use my addicted past against me, but Rush and Glen oh they are white as snow?!? I also find it bizarre that he went Mormon. I am conflicted there because I know a lot of nice wonderful Mormons, but the religion itself is based on some pretty kooky hocus pocus.

Anyone who disagrees with you is sleaze, but actual scum that agree with you get a free pass!
Actually I think some of us gravitate toward truth, but I'd wager the percentage of Americans who do is relatively small. Too many of you folks fooling yourselves.
So he says he's not a journalist and he McCain/Palin would be worse for America. Ummn...whatever.
Mormonism and it's rejection of substance abuse I think automatically makes the religion a bit ahead of others. I see "born again" evangelicals all the time who drink all week and beat their wife/kids, repent every Sunday (hungover) and call it good. You will find the same kind of happy people though in good AA meetings, and among the "normal people" in just about any kind of church. Faith is a marvelous and miraculous thing, and oddly enough I have seen this kind of spirituality work for self described atheists in AA. It is just a system of living that works.

I would say that some folks do change their political views when they sober up, but the vast majority move farther left....
I suppose it depends on where you come from. A typical, peace love and drugs hippie is obviously going to move right. A hardcore "greed is a virtue" con will always move left. I think most people, me included, move right and left in different various positions, but essentially remain true to who we are, or were beneath the addiction issue.
Actually I think some of us gravitate toward truth, but I'd wager the percentage of Americans who do is relatively small. Too many of you folks fooling yourselves.

59% Say Americans Angrier Now Than Under Bush

Fifty-nine percent (59%) of U.S. voters believe that the current level of political anger in the country is higher than it was when George W. Bush was president.

stoopib peeple.

This - is - Sparta


Well I don't know if you meant it or if it just looked different on the iPhone, but when I visited your link there were craploads of off the wall polls, I am not sure anyone should care about. I just think it is bizare the results.

Rasmussen only asks strongly approve or disapprove. When you just go to approve or disapprove you get a 51% approval rating.

Clearly the people who are angry are much more loud and threatening, that most folks feel it is worse than with Bush. So when you take a result like you did you seem to infer that 59% are angry, yet 51% approve? You have to actually think about the polls rather than just knee-jerk and show only statistics that back your opinion up!

We all know statistics and polls can easily be made to lie. Cerise is forever trying to do that, but few are fooled!
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