General Headquarters of the Campaign for Canadian World Domination



Welcome to the General Headquarters of the Campaign for Canadian World Domination! Your future tyrants are General Claire and General Jenny. The Generals are Canadian chicks who are taking over the world and re-designing it to suit their aims.

We will accomplish this goal by:

• The systematic destruction and sublimation of all opposing our inevitable Canadian reign – and the polite, yet horrifically brutal, control of our future territories of conquest.

• Infiltrating the USA and through a cleverly designed plan, destroying it, and using its resources for our own purposes.

• Demonstrating to the world that Canada is the final and ultimate power.

• Decontaminating the world of Non-Canadian influence.

• Reorganizing a New World Society of Canucks to suit our loving, kindly, peaceful and diabolical aims.

Um ok... We are going to expand Canuckistan and Canuckize the world!!! Mwhahaha :evil:
Sure you are! In fact, Montreal already launched an attack on Washington. All that had to be done was coming up with the new "Nationals" name. Genius!
Being Canadians, they have instituted a 20 year study to determine the least culturally impacting style of table. There are still several years of debate on wether to go with wood, metal, or plastic. The height has been worked out and is now in field tests with the military. The colour committee has been in procedural deadlock since day one... and has been rumored to have been a central element in the collapse of the Paul Martin government. PEI has threatend to revoke its charter if it doesn't get the contract to build some of the table components... its a frightening mess.
Saw most of Canadian Bacon on the weekend. Laughed my ass off at the US prez begging on the phone "Alright, alright, you won already. We give up."

Nearly peed myself at the "American cast"