Georgia to Allow Underwater Logging

unclehobart said:
I'll bring the 10 guage. Thats always been good for making a cubic meter of water go FUCKIT!

One issue - one o' them pellets is going to have to hit him dead on - at range. Could be tough. At range, you might not even get him with the shockwave. Cat's way is better, but it's been tried. Those guys never even got him to show his head.

Like I said, he's a sneaky shit.
SouthernN'Proud said:
Along with another nonreplacable slice of our environment.

This may be adressed farther down the thread but these logs got there not from ma nature but from capitalist loggers in pre-industrial revolution days. In other words, they fell from the logging boats.

To the fish and other animals that rely on them for habitat, that means about as much as the price of knee highs in Budapest.
However, removing them will endanger the little fishies not one bit. They're just condos.
Ecology 101. The fish move, so do their predators. That might mean alligator attacks in previously nonprone areas. It matters.

Again, I am far from a tree hugger. But I do respect the balance of nature as best I can. Except snakes. They need to die.
One of the multitude of reasons I don't live there.

Snakes on my property have until I get the 12 guage to get the fuck out. They ain't payin rent, I'll deal with the field mice they eat, and they need to git on down the road somewhere. Forever and ever, amen.
SouthernN'Proud said:
Snakes on my property have until I get the 12 guage to get the fuck out. They ain't payin rent, I'll deal with the field mice they eat, and they need to git on down the road somewhere. Forever and ever, amen.


I think I've figured out that you don't like snakes --- of any size, color, or persuasion. :D
HomeLAN said:
Thought of you this weekend, Unc. Went up to Mom's and put about 40 rounds through the .357. She's got a turtle she needs whacked, as he's cleaning out her fish. Problem is, he a cagey little fucker. Knows when someone's got a gun in hand, and doesn't make an appearance.

I saw only his head, for a split second. I had time to flash on the fact that ny backstop was, indeed, OK, and get the gun about 1/2way up, and that sucker was gone. I never got the shot off, and he never did resurface, even though I hung around for an hour or two.

Ever git him?
i would dearly love to go hiking and fishing. hell, i'll even catch the snakes and relocate them for ya. (i like snakes...i'm weird like that)
unfortunately, the GF is more of a city person....
SouthernN'Proud said:
Some of these critters can kill ya though.

So we drop the GF off at a mall...

:confused: What kind of snakes you got that'll kill a fully grown human? :alienhuh:
SouthernN'Proud said:
Copperheads and rattlesnakes, if you have to hoof 10-12 miles out of the woods.

Even then...they'd have to be close to 10 feet, or more, to pump that much into you. :eek:

*What kills people in rattlesnake and copperhead bites isn't the poison. It's the shock, led on by panic at getting bitten.