Southern Discomfort
Tell ya what...I'll let you lab rat that for me, m'kay?
SouthernN'Proud said:Tell ya what...I'll let you lab rat that for me, m'kay?
Gato_Solo said:BTW...the deadliest snake in the US is the coral snake...Give them a wide berth, but, unless surprised, a snake is harmless. It's more scared of you than you are of it.
HomeLAN said:I've seen one very small copperhead. He met with a nasty accident involving a shovel.
HomeLAN said:It was the implement of de-struction closest to hand.
Oh, and when killing snakes, overkill is impossible to achieve.
SouthernN'Proud said:
Ol' 12 guage takes good care of 'em too. The pieces can get caught in low hanging branches.
Gato_Solo said:You'd hate hiking with me. One of my all-time favorite practical jokes involved snake rumors, low hanging branches, and a 4 foot piece of splotchy-green hemp, dumped on somebody's shoulder.