Georgia to Allow Underwater Logging

SouthernN'Proud said:
Tell ya what...I'll let you lab rat that for me, m'kay?

Bah. I ain't sceered a no varmint what crawls on it's belly. :grumpy: If I can stare down a fer de lance and a bushmaster, a rattler is a piece of pie.

BTW...the deadliest snake in the US is the coral snake...Give them a wide berth, but, unless surprised, a snake is harmless. It's more scared of you than you are of it.
Gato_Solo said:
BTW...the deadliest snake in the US is the coral snake...Give them a wide berth, but, unless surprised, a snake is harmless. It's more scared of you than you are of it.

Corals have the deadliest venom, but a black racer can induce a heart attack with me.

And no, it isn't more scared than I am. Trust me. Godless varmints...
Panic is having a cottonmouth drop into your canoe as you pass under low hanging tree limbs.

Restraint is the ability to refrain from blowing holes in your canoe by using your sidearm to kill it.

Comedy is watching your canoe partner run across the water to the creek bank.

Relief is being able to flip the snake out of the canoe with your paddle.
I'd get A+s in panic and comedy (I'd be the one running), and Fs in the rest.

Y'all really oughta be there sometime when I encounter a snake. You've never seen this much weight move that fast without an internal combustion engine in your life. I haul ass, and only have to make one trip to do it too.

Infernal shoulderless critters...
So far this year, I've spotted a rather large rat snake, a medium-sized black racer, a couple of garter snakes, and one, small, copperhead. The black racer and the rat snake were left alone. The garter snakes, because they were indoors, and the copperhead, because I didn't like his attitude, were terminated with extreme prejudice.
HomeLAN said:
I've seen one very small copperhead. He met with a nasty accident involving a shovel.

Shovel? That's, like, overkill, unless it was over 6 inches. I whacked mine with a 2 X 4...
It was the implement of de-struction closest to hand.

Oh, and when killing snakes, overkill is impossible to achieve.
HomeLAN said:
It was the implement of de-struction closest to hand.

Oh, and when killing snakes, overkill is impossible to achieve.


Ol' 12 guage takes good care of 'em too. The pieces can get caught in low hanging branches.
Yeah, that's my preferred method, but I'm too close to town. I'd like to keep my relationships with the local cops friendly.
SouthernN'Proud said:

Ol' 12 guage takes good care of 'em too. The pieces can get caught in low hanging branches.

You'd hate hiking with me. One of my all-time favorite practical jokes involved snake rumors, low hanging branches, and a 4 foot piece of splotchy-green hemp, dumped on somebody's shoulder.
No, you'd hate hiking with me. Once someone pulls something like that, it would take US Forestry decades to find your body.
Gato_Solo said:
You'd hate hiking with me. One of my all-time favorite practical jokes involved snake rumors, low hanging branches, and a 4 foot piece of splotchy-green hemp, dumped on somebody's shoulder.

You'd hate hiking with me too. 'Specially the part where the side of your head interfaces with high speed firewood. Have I perhaps mentionned that I'm not big on practical jokes.