Ghengis Granny


Well-Known Member
Go Get 'Em, Grandma!
Three cheers for Grannie! An 80-year-old widow in Pennsylvania played the hero when she used a ceremonial sword kept on display in her home to fend off two burglars. The robbers, aged 18 to 20, busted into Jean Freke's home before confronting the widow in her drawing room. After she was tossed to the ground, Freke, who suffers from angina, wrestled with one of the men and then threatened the other with the sword she grabbed off the wall. The raiders fled empty-handed after being threatened with the sword, which was a pre-World War I Army officer's dress sword belonging to Freke's late husband's father. Freke's arm was bruised in the attack, but she was otherwise uninjured.
Gonz said:

if she had a gun, they'd not bother anyone, ever again ;)

She could have run them through. If I pull a gun on someone, I am prepared to shoot them. That in no way implies that I have to or will.
i have a sawed off acrylic baseball bat that says 'don't fuck with me' on it...grooves fit my hand perfectly :D
tonks said:
i have a sawed off acrylic baseball bat that says 'don't fuck with me' on it...grooves fit my hand perfectly :D

Acrylic? Why not aluminium (just for you, ris)? Lighter, and you can tape up the handle to fit...
Yeah, but at that age chances are I'd forget soon anyway - who could remember shit like that when you've got more important things to wory where you'd left your teeth and remembering not to piss yerself :shrug: ;)
tommyj27 said:
do you have experience in home intrusions? ;)

and, :lol:@AT
tommy, i ran a pizza joint, they get robbed frequently. my boss at the time gave it to me....ironically enough, the store was robbed one christmas eve and i was not there to wield my billyclub....lucky them...or unlucky boss...they broke his nose.