Although directed at women...........this topic is totally set up for the gratificatin of guys. No suprise though. The funny thing is........
Women know what guys want. I just kinda imagine that what they really wanna know is.....................what are we really willing to give up, of ourselves, in order to receive what it is they long to give us.....intimacy & life long commitment.
(sorry, I didn't read all the posts before posting reply, just the question..........) which seems to beg for an honest confession before an honest "secret" can be shared.
If I'm totally off base from what was intended in this thread, forgive me, its either because I'm still learning, or because I'm hopelessly locked into a mode of seeking true meanings behind (?)s, in the minds of those who ask. (or both)
Nevermind, forget about it, perhaps I'm just lost..................doesn't matter, Jeeps still rule!