Well-Known Member
Many scientific models do materialize. It's very tiring to have a discussion with you when you constantly make illogical generalizations Jim. It's been pointed out to you again and again.
As has been pointed out to you on numerous occasions that those same models, when applied to climate which has already occurred, could not "predict" historic climatic events. If the models are accurate, why can they not "predict" climate events which have already occurred? If they are credible models, don't you think that they could accurately show historic events based on that model?
Here's a good example. You've created this group "GW proponents" that I assume you think of as some singular entity. Your above argument goes something like this:
GW proponents said all sea ice would disappear in 2008->All sea ice has not disappeared->therefore all GW proponents are wrong.
This falls by the wayside as soon as you look at it logically.
The problem with your thinking is this: You take something someone says like "GW proponents have stated ..." and turn it into "ALL GW global warming proponents of EVERY STRIPE AND KIND have stated ...". You simply cannot do that. Do you want me to name specific names of persons and groups? Do I have to say "Al Gore" when I can say "adherents to the beliefs of Al Gore"? Do I have to name every person who is an adherent to his beliefs, or am I allowed to generalize them as "adherents to the beliefs of Al Gore"?
I your case, answer me this. What do you disagree with on the subject of GW that is generally believed by the majority of GW proponents -- Al Gore, IPCC, NOAA, et al?
Do you believe that those who state the polar bears are endangered are correct? If you have doubts, what are they and why?
Did you believe, up until my post above, that the polar ice would likely disappear completely in 2008? If you had doubts, what were they and why?
Do you believe that those who state GW will be a completely bad thing are correct? If you have doubts, what are they and why?
Do you have any reservations whatsoever about the veracity of those who are proponents of GW regardless of their singular or group, status? If so, what are they and why?
On January 27, 2006, Al Gore stated that we have ten years to save the planet. He stated, "To those who say 10 years is not enough time, I respectfully ask them to consider what the world's scientists are telling us about the risks we face if we don't act in 10 years." So he used the generalization of "the world's scientists". Do you believe that he meant every single scientist in the entire world? That is the standard to which you insist I be held.
Do you believe that we have only ten years to save the planet? If not, what are your reservations and why?
There is no group "GW proponents" that unanimously claimed that all sea ice would disappear in 2008. Perhaps someone or some people said that. Perhaps that person or people believe there is a danger of global warming. Don't know.
I never stated that there was a "group". You contrived that. The fact is that the vast majority of GW proponents -- individuals all, some of whom belong to organized groups -- believe:
GW is real.
GW is man made.
GW is going to kill us all if we don't stop it.
GW can be stopped.
The polar bears are dying in unprecedented numbers.
The polar ice cap is melting and may disappear entirely.
GW will continue to escalate.
GW will cause the seas to rise inundating coastal areas throughout the world.
Warming is caused by CO2.
And many more.
How many of those beliefs do you subscribe to; and, if you have reservations, what are they and why?