Global Warming

The trade deficit includes everything from the keyboard I'm typing this on (designed by Apple in California but assembled in Malaysia), cars, stereo equipment, toys, etc. We do import some fruits and vegetables out of season from other parts of the world... but the vast, vast majority of the food we consume in the US comes from within our borders. Remember that I went to college/university in the richest agricultural area in the world.
We're a net importer overall... but asserting that we're a net importer OF FOOD pegs the bullshit meter.

According to this site almost half of the US wheat crop is exported.
Scientific "Truth"

The British TV station Channel Four is coming out with a scientific rebuttal to Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth."

"The Great Global Warming Swindle" features experts in climatology, meteorology and other disciplines — from such places as MIT and NASA. The film disputes the link between carbon dioxide levels and global temperatures.

One scientist calls the recent U.N. summary report on climate change "a sham" that included the names of scientists who actually disagreed with its findings. The show also asserts that efforts to reduce carbon dioxide are killing people in Africa — who must burn fires inside their homes because their governments are being pressured to use wind and solar power — and cannot produce enough electricity for the continent. The program airs Thursday.

Ruh-roh, Rorge.....
God damn you Gato! ...

well, so i watched maybe 15 mins ... but since the world is saved i flirted with this -

:grinyes: :rofl3:

..did something very vaguley similiar two weeks back - fuck me that was a long shoot - 26 hours straight - except the client and their client kept reigning it back in ... :D (it'll end up crap desopite their request for humour )

everyone was just brain dead and laughing and jerking around at 4am Monday morning! (plenty of overtime, mind! :) )

some classic out-takes tho'

(i'll probably recut it one day)
I think that cars, flying or not, are okay just as long as emissions are nonexistent and they are safe to use. Exhaust contributes to the greenhouse effect which cause warming of the atmosphere. Anyway, manufacturers will be forced to use alternative sources of fuel and energy since the supply of fossil fuels is finite and will run out soon. It is predicted that this resource will be gone in a hunred years' time and that people will begin to feel it by 2050.

Flying saucer cars launched: [edit]
- Alvin from TheScienceDesk at [edit]

I'm tired.

Anymore spamming of the site & off you go. Gonz
"I think that cars, flying or not, are okay just as long as emissions are nonexistent and they are safe to use"

Zero emission cars will be possible when space aliens come down and give us perpetual motion machines.

Safe? 30 thousand plus killed and 300K wounded
from cars in America every year? yeah mebbe the
space aliens can tell us how to keep that from happening too?

As for this guy being a 'writer' Inky is a writer
Gonz is a truck driving asshat and I'm an idiot
but this guy ain't no 'writer'.
Flying cars is just another way of calling helicopters and other similar flying machines. The helicopter was once envisioned to be a private flying vehicle. Although it did not go that way, the helicopter is still being used today for many practical applications and even conventional city transport, although an expensive one. I'm not spamming. Spamming is sending the same email to different addresses. I'm just representing myself. It's strange how other inappropriate messages are allowed here. But thanks anyway for the time.
Spamming is also posting specifically to spread a link and only doing that kind of posting. Regardless of what you might want to think, what you've been doing here is spam.
Hi! Thanks for the comment. But it's still about global warming and they are also for the benefit of others who are genuinely interested in global warming, whether they are critics or activists.
Is English not your first language?

Or do you have some other impairment
that you'd like to share with the class?
I'd like to invite you guys, administrators, moderators, and forum members alike, to drop by the [edit] if anyone is seriously interested in making use of licensed news on global warming, or other categories, for your sites.

We're affiliated with trusted and popular networks like CBS News, Reuters, The Wall Street Journal, AP, MTV, and many others which deliver top-of-the-line, latest news in current events and entertainment. Thanks.

Thanks for playing,. Goodbye. Gonz