God help me.


New Member
Rusty got his learner's permit today. :eek: :clap:

The test was really easy and he got all 25 questions right but I watched three people walk out of there telling the people waiting for them that they failed. If you can't pass a learner's permit test, there's something really wrong. They should make you wait 6 months to take it again to prove you're serious.

Christ, DMV is freaking hell on earth. What a mob scene. And you can't walk in there without putting down at least $40. for something. Just to get a learner's permit, it cost us $45. And once he gets his license, I'm sure that will cost us another $45. at least.

But we made it out alive and we're going to start him driving this weekend. Wish me luck. And if you're in NY and you see a green Cavalier coming, stay off the sidewalk. ;)
congrats to him!! :headbang:

i'm going to get my learners AGAIN tomorrow.... i got it march of last year, *teehee* but it expired!!
i always drive on the sidewalk...everybody around here walks in the street....

congrats Rusty :headbang:
Spot said:
i always drive on the sidewalk...everybody around here walks in the street....

congrats Rusty :headbang:

Reminds me of that slogan...

"Keep death off the roads... drive on the sidewalk... " :D

Congratulations or commiserations, whichever you prefer... :headbang:

*I seem to remember someone saying that teaching a spouse to drive is a sure-fired way to get divorced! - I hope not! :eek: :(
I'm still getting used to the fact that he's just getting his permit. Here in the midwest, you get your permit as soon as you can, (15 in Missouri), and you get your license as soon as you can after that. I can't imagine being 20 or 30 something and just getting my permit.
That is kinda odd. Did he just never have a use for it? Never had a car?
It's the NYC way. If you live in the city, mass transit is king. You really don't need to drive unless you need to move stuff that's too big to bring on the subway or bus. Then you just ask a family member or friend who does have a car to help you move. :)

Rusty grew up in Brooklyn so he could get wherever he wanted to go by bus or train. His mother just turned 50 and she still doesn't have a license.

It's always been a pain in the ass though now that he's with me out on Long Island. Taking vacations and not having anyone sharing the hours of driving, choosing apartments that have to be within walking distance of a train station, me taking days off of work when he doesn't have the same day off and I have to drive him to and from work... We'll have more opportunities now. We're also better off because he doesn't have those bad habits you immediately get when you start driving as a teenager. *And* he has *me* teaching him. You can't ask for more. ;)
I was just about to ask the same as PT, but you already answered that.

Glad he's doing ok :headbang:
Did ya teach him how to do donuts in parking lots yet? Can he screech the tires and do wheelies? ...take a corner on two wheels?:D
$45?!? :eek: My sister just got her permit in May, and we paid $2 for the written test, and $5 for her permit.

When she passes her driving test, she'll have to pay anywhere between $12-$18 for her license.
Here's a link for the NYS DMV fees for driver's licenses. Apparently, you have to pay for your driver's license up front as we did. He won't have to pay again when he takes his road test according to the site. Although I'm sure they'll find something.

Thanks everyone, I told Rusty that you all congratulated him, he says thank you to everyone. :D

Q, that comes on Sunday when we go out for our first (legal) drive. During the winter, I wanted to take him to a parking lot in the snow and teach him how to skid and turn into a skid and stuff like that. We just never got around to it. :shrug:
For the first time I'm happy I'm very, very far from you :D
greenfreak said:
It's the NYC way. If you live in the city, mass transit is king. You really don't need to drive unless you need to move stuff that's too big to bring on the subway or bus. Then you just ask a family member or friend who does have a car to help you move.
Yep, despite being smaller Porto Alegre is the same thing. I know a lot of people living there with 40+ y/o that never had the need of a car. In fact it can be a pain just having to pay for parking it...
Yeah, it was 14 in Iowa too. In fact, you could get a Farm License in Iowa at 14 that would let you drive a farm truck into town and back. Just couldn't get on the highway unless it was on the way from your home to the nearest town. :headbang:
But that was when 14 year olds were like ...well...14 year olds. Now, they're more like 8.....:retard: