God, I love this heatsink!

OK, I made a plenum out of the box the heatsink came in (how appropriate :D)

I just hope it fits around this fan :retard:

So, I'm gonna go try it and stuff...


  • plenum.jpg
    10.1 KB · Views: 30
well, i modded a fan, now i just have to swap fans which should be a royal pain in the ass if you saw my router pics


edit: that's pretty damned weak, i can't link to images from geocities :( go here instead
edit2: ok screw geocities, they suck, where's another free hosting?
Duct 245kb :beerbang: (A little tiny, but you get the idea... i put the duct outside! :D)

46 degrees C! :beerbang:

Here's a still image of the plenum:
kick ass fury :beerbang:

i got my fan working too, didn't have to shutdown to swap fans either, had to shut down distributed.net after a while because i didn't want to burn my hand on the heatsink

edit: the fan in the pic was just there to keep the system cool during the switch
I thought dryer duct was 80mm...:confuse3:
Anyway, you don't need it to cover the whole fan, just the part with the blades.
My dryer vent project:
OK, my lack of true computerese is showing but I'll ask anyway.

What's the point of this exercise?
It's winter so I have a 2800 rpm fan running & it's quiet. During summer I run a 6800rpm fan & it's like an airport in here. I'm just wondering what the reasoning is for changing the fans power supply.
Sound. A high speed fan is much noiser, it's winter, so we don't need the cooling, may as well have it quiet. SOME of us don't have summer and winter fans, so we improvise.
Thanks. Now I get it.

Go to the next computer show at the (fill in event location here) & spend $2.25 & get a quiet fan. The summer fan wasn't so cheap though. It had to be all of $6. or $7. bucks. ;)
It's winter so I have a 2800 rpm fan running & it's quiet. During summer I run a 6800rpm fan & it's like an airport in here.
i live in a dungeon and it's the same temperature year round
Altron said:
I thought dryer duct was 80mm...
Anyway, you don't need it to cover the whole fan, just the part with the blades.
My dryer duct is 92(ish).

I know I don't need to cover the whole fan but in my case, there's a grill on the fan so I had to make something that could go around that.

I need to find a way to make it tighter without making it a semi-permanent attachment (so I can take it off easily when I need to move it or something.)

I may need to find a different box though.
Gonz said:
Go to the next computer show at the (fill in event location here) & spend $2.25 & get a quiet fan. The summer fan wasn't so cheap though. It had to be all of $6. or $7. bucks.
Didn't cost any extra to do the 7 volt mod, and it's reversible. Plus, I need mine to still run at a fairly high RPM, which it does with the 7 volt mod, just with a little over half the noise. Before, it was screaming. Now it's barely humming.
Yup, it was still 46 until the plenum fell off the fan from me fiddling around with the duct. (As you can see in the video, it blocks my keyboard, so I was gonna try and see if I could wrap it around my monitor and have it still be close enough to the window to suck in cold air)

Now back up to 53. I'm gonna wait and move the computer on to the floor next to the desk before I try to put the plenum back on it. That way I can put the duct (the non-broken part) all the way outside.

Then I have to figure out how to keep my cat from trying to go outside or into the computer, and insulate the rest of the window so that the cold air only goes into the computer and not onto me. That, and find a way to lock it so that nobody can open it up and come in and steal my piffy plenum. :retard6:

Well, I suppose there's also the thing about putting a grill over the end of the duct so nothing gets in it.