Going Camping


Off 'Motherfuckin' Topic Elite
Well, it's official, we've got the weather report, so we're off to the woods this weekend. Leaving Friday night, probably stay until sometime Monday. No electricity, No running water. The wife won't even let me bring the laptop! Can you believe I put up with such Meanness?

Taking all six kids, plus 2. My nephew from Kansas City is down for the next week, picked him up from Amtrak last night, and our oldest daughter is bringing her best friend. Only two of the kids going have ever been camping before, so I'm sure we're in for a real treat.
I have to work tomorow aswell. Is it an official long weekend this weekend or are you just taking a day off?

We have a Civic holiday on Monday, I don't think any other province in Canada has a holiday but I don't know about the states.
sounds like a great time... I havent been "real" camping in a long time.
No holiday, just I work for the State and they give me more vacation days than a person should get :bitchslap: myself for saying that out loud.
We'll enjoy it, have plenty of kids to go get firewood, cook, clean up the campground, set up the tents. It's really getting easier all the time with this many kids.
Haha! :laugh:

So you're coming back from your holiday, rested and all, while the kids are exhausted :D

Good plan! Evil, but good :D
PuterTutor said:
We'll enjoy it, have plenty of kids to go get firewood, cook, clean up the campground, set up the tents. It's really getting easier all the time with this many kids.

No, sorry... I don't believe it. You're going into the woods with eight kids, no TV, no Playstation, no computer, etc, and you think it's going to be a hoot? Unless you really are raising the Brady kids, I just don't buy it. (Even then, you could count on little Bobby to get his ass lost or something.)

No... if you're taking that many kids into the woods and smiling about it, it could only mean that you think no one will notice if you come back with a few less... :eek: ;)
No, actually I am looking forward to it. Do you come from a big family? I used to look at people with 4 or more kids and think, "Damn, the hell they must go through" But I'm serious, it is easier raising 6 than it ever was raising 1 or 2. We have 3 girls and 3 boys. On the trip will be 4 girls and 4 boys, They pair up, and play together, sure, sometimes they fight, but most of the time they get along just fine.

I know it's hard to believe, but it's true.

And, if we lose a couple along the way, we can make more.
PuterTutor said:
I know it's hard to believe, but it's true.

Well, there were five kids in my family. I had four sisters. I honestly don't know how my parents did it. The two I have are a handful. Especially the boy... I swear he's going to drive me nuts. He had half a roll of paper towels unrolled all over the kitchen floor this morning. I can't turn my back on him for a minute. :(
Perhaps he was just trying to help clean up the kitchen?

My oldest is 14, my youngest is 7. Yes it was a handful when they were younger, and my hair will probably be gray by the time the 14 y/o graduates high school, from all the boy troubles, but I still love every minute of it.
ooohh .. I've never been camping in the woods ...

I love camping .. can't wait for the next family trip ... :)
I plan to do some camping this year. I don't like going in the summer though. I went with a couple of friends about a year and a half ago on a short backpacking trip. We went out Friday evening and came back on Sunday. It was rather challenging. One of the guys is blind, so we had to help keep him on the trail. He did great though. He crossed three log bridges, one of them about thirty feet long. It had a rope to hold onto, but still, I wouldn't have done it with my eyes closed.