Luis G said:ok, so how it should be spelled, grey or gray?
unclehobart said:..and manscape around the cornrows for that happening zebra effect.
Leslie said:I decided to stop pulling my greys. I'd be ending up bald soon if I kept doing that.
Sounds like Rogaine was designed to turn people into Italians if you ask me.nalani said:Isn't that where Rogaine came from? It was a drug that was being tested for treatment of heart disease or something .. can't remember .. but then, people - including women - started to grow hair .. everywhere :O
Starya said:Oh, and Rogaine is a liniment that is applied to the scalp (unless it comes in "pill form" aswell?), it only works locally. I think you are thinking of Propecia.
Uhm, no. I have no personal experience with either.
Very well. Available in pill and liniment form.This isn’t the first time this has happened, of course. Rogaine started it’s life as a heart medication