Gonna wash that grey right outta my hair

I started turning grey in my early twenties. Now I'm totally silver and gettin a little thin on top.....doesn't bother me :aheadbng:
I'm lucky, my mums side has all bald by 20-22 on the mens side, dad is 50 has a full head and no grey, only beard which he shaves, i'd be waiting for baldness if my hair was reddish brown and my complexion extremely fair :D (mums side of da family)
Luis G said:
ok, so how it should be spelled, grey or gray?

my vote is for grey. now i dont have any grey hairs unless i let the goatee and muschtashe grow in which case from fathers sife cause hes got white in his goatee and i dont know too many males on moms side except my g-pa and he didnt have the facial hair. my dad though doesnt have white on the top of his head but mom does and she dyes it. id do that too. personally jsut cause i think its somewhat fun in a way.(plus im bad looking enough as it is grey hair will make me look worse. :D
I've been letting my hair grow all summer (it's shoulder length now). Just lazy, I guess. But it's getting whacked short this weekend. I don't spend much time in front of a mirror, but I caught my reflection yesterday, and was horrified at the volume of grey. I'd thought my hair was just lighter from spending time in the sun. Nope. I'm about 1/3 grey all over now. And with it long, it just shows too much.

Damnit, I was hoping to give Rob a run for his money.
The hair on your back should be long enough to compensate. You should cornrow it together... a nice seamless look down to your knees.
..and manscape around the cornrows for that happening zebra effect.

I decided to stop pulling my greys. I'd be ending up bald soon if I kept doing that.
Isn't that where Rogaine came from? It was a drug that was being tested for treatment of heart disease or something .. can't remember .. but then, people - including women - started to grow hair .. everywhere :O
nalani said:
Isn't that where Rogaine came from? It was a drug that was being tested for treatment of heart disease or something .. can't remember .. but then, people - including women - started to grow hair .. everywhere :O
Sounds like Rogaine was designed to turn people into Italians if you ask me.
Noticed my first grey hair in Januray. I was in th rest-room at my dentists office. Coincidence? I think not. :lloyd:

Stopped worrying about the grey when the hair started falling out though. :alienhuh:

Oh, and Rogaine is a liniment that is applied to the scalp (unless it comes in "pill form" aswell?), it only works locally. I think you are thinking of Propecia.

Uhm, no. I have no personal experience with either.
I'm 25 and have had a receeding hairline since I turned 21. I got over it soon after it started. All of the dudes on my Mom's side are bald as can be so its not like I didn't know this was coming.

I have a birthmark on the top of my head which may look a little goofy when it does all fall out. It's too bad it's not gigantic like a Gorbachev birthmark.
Startted having white and grey hairs in my beard and goatee a while back. I only yank them when they're badly placed and start looking like nasal-boogies. :p

Getting some grey hairs along my temples. Nothing to fret over. If I take after my father..I'll have a full head of hair into my 60s. *crosses fingers*

Then again, male pattern baldness is inherited along the mother's genepool.
Starya said:
Oh, and Rogaine is a liniment that is applied to the scalp (unless it comes in "pill form" aswell?), it only works locally. I think you are thinking of Propecia.

Uhm, no. I have no personal experience with either.

Sildenafil (Viagra) improves hemodynamics in pulmonary hypertension
by Tris
This is one of the success stories of new and important uses for drugs. We all know what Viagra was originally for, but did you know that it is now saving people’s lives?

Pulmonary hypertension is a condition/disease that affects mainly young women and makes it increasingly difficult to breath. It is chronic and often, eventually, fatal. Because the condition is also somewhat rare, there have been few treatments available for it–Flolan from GlaxoSmithKline being the leading one. Sildenafil (Viagra) works to lower blood pressures and allow better blood flow. We know what this can do for men, and although it was tested to help women with sexual dysfunction, that didn’t yield reliable results. Pulmonary hypertension was different though. Indications of this breakthrough surfaced last year and could now yield a another treatment for this terrible disease.

This isn’t the first time this has happened, of course. Rogaine started it’s life as a heart medication and Zyban (for quitting smoking) is also used as an anti-depressant (Wellbutrin). It takes luck and skill to identify potentially useful applications for a compound, but rarely do you find a “lifestyle drug” becoming a “lifesaving drug.”

Source: P-S-L - News- ACC- Sildenafil Improves Hemodynamic Dynamic Measures in Pulmonary Hypertension