
"The president and I also reaffirmed our determination to fight terror, to bring drug trafficking to bear, to bring justice to those who pollute our youth." —George W. Bush, speaking with Chilean President Ricardo Lagos, Santiago, Chile, Nov. 21, 2004

So what's wrong with that? :confuse3:
Minky's right
I wuz bumpin' threads

when Prof was tryin' to get mary-rotten-crotch's
panties off in seventh grade!!!!!!!!!!!111
Is that your way of asking us nicely to henceforth refer to you as Methuselah??

The Clever Monkey said:
At least it took him a year to invent all those verabal fopars. You've created as many, if not more, with the written word ....in the last week.

How does pointing out his mistakes justify your own, is this more rationalization on your part?

.....Rational debate with you is like hearding cats.

Err...verbal faux pas?
heh good eye on the foo paw

yeah Methuselah’s my younger brother

but I still lust after the young lasses like ya

(*fer all the good it does heh*)

I'm sorry, I could not think of a witty comeback. The image of Methuselah's older brother lusting after anything just cracked me up (the mental images are so freaky it's comical).
Winky said:
Minky's right
I wuz bumpin' threads

when Prof was tryin' to get mary-rotten-crotch's
panties off in seventh grade!!!!!!!!!!!111
Tryin'? And BTW, it was Marie-Helen. And her older sister caught us. I won't go into details about what it cost me to keep her quiet.
So .... you want to hear all the sordid details of my sex life from when I was 12??? And you're willing to pay for it? You're even weirder than I thought.
Oh, BTW, you could have just said you had to fuck the older sister too or something if that's what you had to do. I don't care if you did it missionary or doggystyle or however they do it on page 73 of the Kama Sutra.
...to managing page 73 of the Kama Sutra? I'm not sure I'd like to know how you would know that.
My freshman year of high school, I checked out a tape (I've forgotten what it was for), which was one a one-night loan. when I got back to school the next morning, I walked straight from the bus to the book drop and dropped it off. I guess it wasn't early enough, even though I could have returned it no earlier, because they slapped me with a 10-cent fine. I was mad enough that I never checked out another thing from my high school library.