*checks TRL's coffee*
Bailey's...just as I suspected...
This is supposed to be the last cold day here, at least for awhile. We'll see.
I gotta moonlight tonight, but Tuesday I'll get th' mowers out and see if any of 'em run. I've got about three push mower corpses I keep for spare parts, gonna cannibalize them down to one, plus the one I actually use. Two ridin' mowers, hopefully one runs long enough to get t'other one runnin'. Two or three string trimmers, I know at least two of those need some TLC. Plus the tiller...it was runnin' last time I checked.
Time to get the grill tuned up for the season too. Fill tanks, scrub it up right purty, and git that puppy ready to do some mohunkin' grillin'.
Must...buy...grass seed...yard...looks...horrendous. Y'all got any idear how hard it is t'sow grass seed in a wind tunnel? My downwind neighbor's yard look fan-freakin-tastic.
Need to transplant about 25 trees off'n the Ol' Man's woods, plus enough to start a wind screen/sight blocker betwixt us an' the even-more-redneck neighbors. That yankee feller what's buildin a new house betwixt us an' the rabble we bought the place off of I mentioned? Well, word is, he's plannin' on BRINGING half a dozen wrecked cars when he moves. Be still my beating heart. I'm gonna hafta kill that feller afore it's all done...
Dayum. I already wanna go fishin again just thinkin about all that.