What I don't understand is why so many liberals seem to think that failing to agree with every particular of the "Great Global Warming Panic" is tantamount to calling it a hoax. The simple fact is that the verifiable evidence in no way supports the dire predictions. In fact, they had to increase the global increase in CO2 levels by a factor of ten in the computer models to come up with the dire predictions in the first place. Yes, the climate is clearly changing. As it has done for millions of years and will continue to do long after we're gone. There is some evidence (although there is also contradictory evidence) that human society is affecting it in a minor way. The political aspect is simply that the folks in charge (liberal, conservative or whatever they want to call themselves this week) want you to be afraid. They want you to be afraid of climate change just like they want you to be afraid of muslims and commies and greedy corporations, oh my...
Here's a more important question. Why is so much of the first world determined to keep the third world in abject poverty? Shouldn't that be a liberal paradigm?
Another point to ponder: How heavily invested is Gore in the "Global Warming" industry. That film is an infomercial.
Read some of this then follow up on some of the information presented. Interesting.
Yeah, yeah, blah, blah, blah. I didn't say the dire predictions are going to happen. Global warming isn't an issue I know a lot about, and I haven't seen Gore's movie, and I don't know what will happen. Fuck I don't care that much!
The point is, it goes with everything else I said about conservatives which are all FACTS. The secondary point is, if global warming exists, and it does, can we afford to be taking chances with what might happen if we don't know and it will take many generations to even find out? It's all a propaganda war at this point and neither side can prove anything for probably a few hundred years. But the fundamental issue of polution remains and conservatives are against any legislation that takes money out of anyone's pocket, and money being the root of al evil....Well I'll leave you to draw your own conclusions....
All I can say is that I have to thank god for the two party system in some instances, because I realize that if you gave either side the ball and took out the other we'd live in a very bad place, but right now the man in charge would shit in his own bed if it kept him rich, and figuratively he's done so his whole two stolen terms.