Gore inconvenienced by court's truth.

What I don't understand is why so many liberals seem to think that failing to agree with every particular of the "Great Global Warming Panic" is tantamount to calling it a hoax. The simple fact is that the verifiable evidence in no way supports the dire predictions. In fact, they had to increase the global increase in CO2 levels by a factor of ten in the computer models to come up with the dire predictions in the first place. Yes, the climate is clearly changing. As it has done for millions of years and will continue to do long after we're gone. There is some evidence (although there is also contradictory evidence) that human society is affecting it in a minor way. The political aspect is simply that the folks in charge (liberal, conservative or whatever they want to call themselves this week) want you to be afraid. They want you to be afraid of climate change just like they want you to be afraid of muslims and commies and greedy corporations, oh my...

Here's a more important question. Why is so much of the first world determined to keep the third world in abject poverty? Shouldn't that be a liberal paradigm?

Another point to ponder: How heavily invested is Gore in the "Global Warming" industry. That film is an infomercial.

Read some of this then follow up on some of the information presented. Interesting.

Yeah, yeah, blah, blah, blah. I didn't say the dire predictions are going to happen. Global warming isn't an issue I know a lot about, and I haven't seen Gore's movie, and I don't know what will happen. Fuck I don't care that much!

The point is, it goes with everything else I said about conservatives which are all FACTS. The secondary point is, if global warming exists, and it does, can we afford to be taking chances with what might happen if we don't know and it will take many generations to even find out? It's all a propaganda war at this point and neither side can prove anything for probably a few hundred years. But the fundamental issue of polution remains and conservatives are against any legislation that takes money out of anyone's pocket, and money being the root of al evil....Well I'll leave you to draw your own conclusions....

All I can say is that I have to thank god for the two party system in some instances, because I realize that if you gave either side the ball and took out the other we'd live in a very bad place, but right now the man in charge would shit in his own bed if it kept him rich, and figuratively he's done so his whole two stolen terms.
What's funny to me is the conservative mantra that there is no problem and there is no evidence of global warming.

What is NOT funny is your spreading that blatant bullshit.

No one is saying that there is no global warming. What we are saying is that there has been global warming previously that was warmer than what we are experiencing yet the doomsday scenario rosily painted by the likes of Al Gore never came to pass.

There is global warming on Mars. Is that the fault of the Mars Rover -- that evil 3 foot SUV we put up there?



There is ample evidence to call into question the existence of man made global warming. This bullshit about how CO2 leads warming is just that -- BULLSHIT! The ice core record is clear warming preceded CO2 by hundreds of years. It is the warming that releases CO2, not CO2 that traps heat.

Watch "The Great Global Warming Swindle" and see how many top climate scientists disagree with you and Al Gore.
Oh and by the way if the government got environmentally conscious and outlawed, say, fossil fuels for passenger cars, the oil industry would shit twinkies, and bleed dollars! A LOT of people would make a LOT of money, but it'd be different people, and god forbid we change anything and upset the status quo, for the good of the planet and it's people!

If y'all wonder why I come here for a while and then dissapear so often it's because I can only take so much arrogant, conservative, bullshit, before I have to abandon political discussion for say a year at a time. I just studied my voters pamphlet last night and that was about enough to make me puke. You goddamn near need to read every initiative and referendum in it's entirety, and speak legalease, to know who's lying more. Most people watch the comercials and have a kneejerk vote, at least I try to vote responsibly, but it sickens me every time.

Oh and you wanna know what I got against the dems? Just about the same thing, they at least try to think about someone besides money, corporations, and themselves. Truth is every politician at least thinks of his own interests before he begins to think of constituants, and the power structure what it is, the dems have to cow tow to big money far too much for my liking, and I suspect their own, or they wouldn't have a chance, and the other side would bring back the old west, in some bizzarre high tech setting.

Don't expect to see much of me in this particular forum for a while....FUCK POLITICS! But God Bless America, because I truly believe it is god in some way that holds this mess together and that it hasn't fallen apart already!

Oh and by the way if the government got environmentally conscious and outlawed, say, fossil fuels for passenger cars, the oil industry would shit twinkies, and bleed dollars!

And the entire global economy would collapse overnight, millions of people would starve and the bloodshed would be, well, apocalyptic, wouldn't it? I'll bring the weenies if you'll bring the buns.

On the plus side, electrical generation would drop to almost nothing so no one would have the internet as a whining forum anymore, so that might be considered a break even proposition
The best way to reduce global warming is to curb the human population down to about 2 billion or less... but hardly politically expedient.
Yeah, yeah, blah, blah, blah. I didn't say .......

......The point is, it goes with everything else I said about conservatives which are all FACTS. .

Your misguided little pumpkin pie - - FACTS are supported by proof not witless diatribes, so prove it schlumpkins.

Here's one of the solutions offered from your side . . . .

Q: Are some people opposed to VHEMT?

At first glance, some people assume that VHEMT Volunteers and Supporters must hate people and that we want everyone to commit suicide or become victims of mass murder. It's easy to forget that another way to bring about a reduction in our numbers is to simply stop making more of us. Making babies seems to be a blind spot in our outlooks on life.

The idea of all of us voluntarily refraining from procreation is often dismissed without much consideration. These examples are considered elsewhere at this site:

* cut *

And so on.

However, if any of us thinks about the situation long enough, and makes the effort to work through those socially-instilled blocks to clear thinking, we will arrive at virtually the same conclusion: we should voluntarily phase ourselves out for the good of humanity and planet.

VHEMT is naturally in opposition to involuntary extinction of any species, as well as any efforts encouraging human extermination. There are presently concerted efforts supporting both of these horrors. For example:

* cut *

The above could be called the Terrorist Human Extermination Movement (THEM), but that's labeling and encourages a "Them or Us" attitude.

VHEMT is opposed to what these people are doing, but it's doubtful any would bother to return the favor. Really, there isn't much point in opposing a voluntary movement which harms none and benefits all.

:behead: :jump: :hangman: :wstupid: :microwav:

Source >>>

Proof of FACT; you're people are dumb as rocks. :rofl3:

Personally - - I'd prefer to drive this planet 'til the wheels fall off.- . . . but you guys get started not-breeding as we honor your courage and sacrifice.

:crowd: "Salute" :rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3:
Me no thinkee, me go fling poo at people who do....

blah blah bla (ad infinitum).....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Proof of FACT; you're people are dumb as rocks. :rofl3:

If those are my people then these are your people:

That's right, America!! It is too late to pray for the good of the USA!!

The Westboro Baptist Church used to pray for the good of America, knowing that God's blessings are mighty and His hand could be stayed from punishing this wicked nation, just as He stayed His hand from punishing Nineveh. America chose to spit in the face of their Creator, instead of heeding WBC's warnings, and now it is too late to pray for this nation.

Just as ancient Israel and Judah chose to ignore the simple "repent or perish" message of Isaiah, Jeremiah, and the other prophets, America has chosen to ignore the simple message of WBC. God told Jeremiah to stop praying for the good of his nation (Jeremiah 14:11), and we have done the same. You can prance around yelling about the evils of fag marriage all you want, it won't make a difference. You let it happen, America, and now you can't fix it. The bell has been rung. Deal with it.

Hurricanes (see our words on Katrina here), floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, IEDs, collapsing mines and more -- we pray daily for more outpourings of God's justice and wrath on this evil, hateful nation, and we thank him mightily with every stroke of vengeance He executes on you.

It is a sin NOT to take pleasure in the wrathful outpourings of God's justice on this nation. "The righteous shall rejoice when he seeth the vengeance: he shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked" (Ps. 58:10). That's not an invitation, it's a directive.

Get used to it, America! It's only going to get worse. The more you persecute God's people, the more wrath He pours out on you!

Pass your laws, file your lawsuits (read our response to this nonsense here). WE WILL NOT GO AWAY. If we stopped preaching, the stones would cry out against you (Luke 19:40)! What would you do then? Sue the stones? Pass anti-stone speaking laws? We have but one word for you: HA!

Source >>>>>>

Proof of FACT, you're human filth that should be wiped off the planet. :rofl4:

Or maybe proof that you don't understand the concept of proof. :laugh:

:biker: :rainfrow: :circle: :mad4: :drink: :sleep: :sex2:
If those are my people then these are your people:

Proof of FACT, you're human filth that should be wiped off the planet. :rofl4:

Or maybe proof that you don't understand the concept of proof. :laugh:

So are you saying the "lets all just die off" people aren't liberals?

- or -

That all churches fall under the consevative banner.

Shillary and Obama are both *Christains and have been endorsed by churches.

I'm not sure what your point is once I apply reality.
So are you saying the "lets all just die off" people aren't liberals?

- or -

That all churches fall under the consevative banner.

Are you saying all liberals are "let's die off"?

- or -

The Westboro people aren't conservatives?

If only you had applied reality from the start instead of your fake "Proof". :D
Reading comprehension problem? Dyslexic maybe?

Everyone Just Die

to save the planet
- AND -

The above could be called the Terrorist Human Extermination Movement (THEM), but that's labeling and encourages a "Them or Us" attitude.

VHEMT is opposed to what these people are doing, but it's doubtful any would bother to return the favor

Here's one of the solutions offered from your side . . . .

you're people are dumb as rocks.

If that is any type of plausable solution I'll be a monkeys uncle.

What focus group of fucking morons could have actually seen that as a soulution? I can understand a delusional crazy person standing on the corner trying to convince people. But someone actually brought these knuckleheads together in a building, sat them at a table and let them have sharp pencils unsupervised. - - - These people are insane, and your defending them (on purely moral grounds of humanity I'm sure)

Futhermore, read the following Anti-war statement, I'd say that qualifies them as Liberal Nutjobs.

So . .

  • From your side
  • Insane Nutjobs
  • Your people
  • You defend
  • Dumb ass rocks
From your side, Insane Nutjobs, your people, you defend, Dumbass rocks

. . . Fairly easy for a resonable person to track.

Now lets see you explain your counter point.

(you're people are dumb as rocks. - - the You're was one of those typo's I do to bend the actual meaning that only I am aware of, but it makes me happy)
Reading comprehension problem? Dyslexic maybe?

Do you have a barbiturate problem. Retarded maybe?

If that is any type of plausable solution I'll be a monkeys uncle.

Obviously your Westboro peeps have all the answers. :rofl3:

These people are insane, and your defending them

I never defended them. Obviously you have the reading comprehension issue.

  • From your side
  • Insane Nutjobs
  • Your people
  • You defend
  • Dumb ass rocks
From your side, Insane Nutjobs, your people, you defend, Dumbass rocks

"Hurricanes (see our words on Katrina here), floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, IEDs, collapsing mines and more -- we pray daily for more outpourings of God's justice and wrath on this evil, hateful nation, and we thank him mightily with every stroke of vengeance He executes on you."

From you're side, Insane nutjobs, your people, you defend, retards. :laugh:

See all I have to do is apply your ridiculous logic and you have no point.

You make it too easy. :laugh:
Do you have a barbiturate problem. Retarded maybe?

Actually I prefer methamphetinehydrochloride, and no.

See all I have to do is apply your ridiculous logic and you have no point.

Creative Liberal Enlightened© Logic :confbang:

You've explained little of nothing, you just scattered the pieces on the floor and added the contents of the kitchen junk door to it.

If that is any type of plausable solution I'll be a monkeys uncle.

Obviously your Westboro peeps have all the answers.


. . . and what in the hell is this supposed to mean? >>> Obviously your Westboro peeps have all the answers.
Actually I prefer methamphetinehydrochloride

Might be part of the problem.

You've explained little of nothing, you just scattered the pieces on the floor and added the contents of the kitchen junk door to it.

What was there to explain? You made some silly remarks and I mocked them out by using your own logic.

. . . and what in the hell is this supposed to mean? >>> Obviously your Westboro peeps have all the answers.

What doesn't it mean?

:horse: :sperm: :dump: :faptard: :santabng: :spank: :massacre: :ihi: :beavbang: :jump:

:banana: :glasses3: *phanwink*


The best way to reduce global warming is to curb the human population down to about 2 billion or less... but hardly politically expedient.

Who will volunteer to go first? You? Al Gore? Eric R. Pianka? The Ehrlichs'? Surely there are those who will lead by example.

We are talking genocidal extermination on a Biblical scale. Will any of those who espouse this be the first volunteers?

Al Gore

Global Marshall Plan must include the First and Third worlds
The model of the Marshall Plan can be of great help. for example, a Global Marshall Plan must focus on strategic goals and emphasize actions and programs that are likely to remove the bottlenecks presently inhibiting the healthy functioning of the global economy. The new global economy must be an inclusive system that does not leave entire regions behind. The new plan will require the wealthy nations to allocate money for transferring environmentally helpful technologies to the Third World and to help impoverished nations achieve a stable population and a new pattern of sustainable economic progress. To work, however, any such effort will also require wealthy nations to make a transition themselves that will be in some ways more wrenching than that of the Third World.
Source: Earth in the Balance, page 297-301

Global Marshall Plan: Five strategic goals
In my view, five strategic goals must direct and inform our efforts to save the global environment:
  • stabilizing of world population
  • the rapid development of environmentally appropriate technologies
  • a comprehensive change in the economic “rules of the road” by which we measure the impact of our decisions on the environment
  • negotiation & approval of a new generation of international agreements
  • a cooperative plan for educating the world’s citizens about our global environment.
Source: Earth in the Balance, page 305-307

More bio-energy means less greenhouse emissions & more jobs
By tripling US use of bio-energy and bio-products by 2010, we can keep millions of tons of greenhouse gases out of the air, generate $15 billion in new income for our farmers, and create another set of new technologies to be marketed to the world.
By requiring every federal agency to cut greenhouse emissions by 30%, so that the government itself lives by the rules it negotiated at Kyoto for American companies, we can save American taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars a year.
By creating a Clean Air Partnership Fund, we can support state and local projects to reduce both local pollution and global greenhouse gases.
We have to strengthen, not weaken, environmental protections across the board, from global warming to stabilizing world population.
Source: New foreword to Earth in the Balance, p. xviii & xix


Paul R. and Anne H. Ehrlich, whose stated goal is to reduce the world's population by several billion people. They are both gurus and supporters of Gore; they are leaders of the Sierra Club, which recently endorsed Gore's campaign for President. Gore wrote the introduction to the Ehrlichs' book The Population Explosion: From Global Warming to Rain Forest Destruction, Famine and Air and Water Pollution—Why Overpopulation Is Our #1 Environmental Problem (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1990), and he enthusiastically endorsed the Ehrlichs' demand for radical population reduction measures in the world's poorest countries.


Dr. Death & The Religion Of Genocide
Disciple of Pianka goes further, wants 100% of humans dead

Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones/Prison Planet.com | April 5 2006

The elite have created a religion of genocide and the nation's universities are the churches for the communication of an environmental jihad that threatens to decimate the human species as we know it.

The furore surrounding the comments of Professor Eric R. Pianka, who told a crowd at South Lamar University that 90% of the world population need to be culled to solve overpopulation, have been characterized on the one hand by an expected outrage but on the other by a sycophantic mainstream media who have collaborated to spin the story and obfuscate the real issues.

Pianka's back-peddling and his whimpering cries of protest that if we don't control population then viruses will (unquestionably parroted by a completely bias local NBC news piece) is again ridiculed by the facts, as outlined by Shawn Carlson, Ph.D. in his excellent article.

"The data stand utterly against this idea. Plagues have run rampant through human populations throughout time. Millions have died. Huge fractions of some populations have been wiped out. But the net death rate has never come close to the fractions that Pianka envisions. Virulent diseases that kill quickly tend to burn themselves out. Natural selection creates less lethal varieties because an organism can't spread if it kills its host before it can propagate. The flu pandemic of 1918 (the influenza virus is championed by Pianka) may have killed 50 million people, but that was only about 5 percent of those infected. Moreover, every year sees medical advancements—screening techniques improve, as do our methods of creating new vaccines and treating illness of all kinds."

There are those who make Hitler's Final Solution look like child's play and you can bet that the plan envisions the "culling" of third world nations first. After all, there are far, far too many Black people anyway -- right?

The fact is that those who envision these slaughters to "save the world" also envision their own survival and their continued role as the saviors for the sheep who are left; the "Ubermen" as it were.

Just makes ya proud, don't it?