Gore inconvenienced by court's truth.

Originally Posted by ResearchMonkey
Actually I prefer methamphetinehydrochloride

1 Might be part of the problem.

2 What was there to explain? You made some silly remarks and I mocked them out by using your own logic.

3 What doesn't it mean?

1. There was a time in my life where it was a problem, that is no longer the case.

2. your mocking logic statement [read] I don't really know what I was doing, pre-programed mantras make me do it.

3. . . . . . . . . . I - I - er - ummmm, well it doesn't mean "bananas are healthy" . . . But the question is what does it mean? (a case of repetitive message programming maybe?)

1.1 - BTW my friend, in my little redneck town, them thars IS fighting werds. For a sensitive defender of humanity and all things good, that was poor judgement to assuyou (no me in it) - - Prepare to defend yourself.
1. There was a time in my life where it was a problem, that is no longer the case.

2. your mocking logic statement [read] I don't really know what I was doing, pre-programed mantras make me do it.

3. . . . . . . . . . I - I - er - ummmm, well it doesn't mean "bananas are healthy" . . . But the question is what does it mean? (a case of repetitive message programming maybe?)

You really don't like people turning you're own wacked reasoning on you. Try a discussion without the rhetoric, insults, and massive smiley parade.

1.1 - BTW my friend, in my little redneck town, them thars IS fighting werds. For a sensitive defender of humanity and all things good, that was poor judgement to assuyou (no me in it) - - Prepare to defend yourself.

You should be able to take what you dish without complaining.
You should be able to take what you dish without complaining.

Your feeble attempt attack using what you thought would hurt me inflicted zero damage.

But It did paint a clearer paicture of you and the two sides of your beliefs, thats what chapped my hide.

You've not shown anything yet that would warrent my validation of you oppsing views or opinions.

2Minky, generally we're like chocholate cake and lemonade together. But I can validate his POV even when I disagree, which is more often the case.

Gato and I miss on our views sometimes, but I have respect for his method of evidence and presentaion. He's a sharp dude, with his logic and reason
he has managed to change how I view certain issues

If either one tells me I'm being an idiot, I know it would be wise reassess and consider where I am at. Everyone gets bound up sometimes.

The only thing you've convienced me of is that you think your too-cool-for-school, which is where ignorant people come from.
Well... Gore and the collective UN somehow managed to bribe up a peace prize somehow. Man... like the Oscars, the whole Nobel system has become a popularity dog and pony show.
Can someone explain to me how it even qualified for a peace prize since everything Gore has been preaching about global warming is supposedly a thing within the realm of science? Would that not be one of the associated science prizes? ..perhaps even literature?
Can someone explain to me how it even qualified for a peace prize since everything Gore has been preaching about global warming is supposedly a thing within the realm of science? Would that not be one of the associated science prizes? ..perhaps even literature?

Al's gonna save us all!!!!
well the record still stands....
Of the peace prize winners I know of, I still don't like any of um.:alienhuh:
How horrible. To be in the same group as Jiminy Carter, Al Gore & Yassir Arfat.
It's better to play safe, and stop polluting so much.

Here are a few things you can do, but I know many won't:
- Stop buying inefficient cars and buy cars according to your real needs. I'm sick of watching assholes/bitches ALONE in a hummer.
- Do not take bath tubs, use a shower. Uses less water, takes less time and you end up cleaner 'cause you're not immerse in your own stink.
- Turn off the lights that you're not currently using, same to all home electronics.
Does that mean I can't spray AquaNet into the air at will anymore? That shit'll stop a charging bumblebee from 20 paces...

I clearly recall Al's antics as VP. TN was suffering a major drought. Livestock was dying, crops failing, people were rationing water, it was awful. But he flew in (on his private jet) and went to his "hometown" (with multi-car police escort) and somehow magically TVA released untold billions of gallons of water down river to his little domicile...so he and his family could go jet skiing...for the weekend.

Kiss my ass you hypocrite.