Got a Rebel Flag for Christmas!


New Member
Late gift from a friend. If the Confederate flag offends you, well, don't look at it :) Heritage, not hate people!

You can see my Civil War crap shelf in my closet doors. Paintings aren't up yet.
Yes yes...what other Civil War goodies have you? That's just the confederate battle flag though, here's the real First National Flag of the Confederacy.

please, oh please...let mine unenlightened eyes & ears hear of this wonderous & historical heritage...since I know not, please, if you would, compare it to this other heritage


We do know of so many Germans & they must be equally proud of same
here's another flag with plenty of history.... I know TONS of Ukrainians who remember it with something less than fondness.....

FluerVanderloo, i guess you watched Gods & Generals part 1. Stephen Lang was absolutely amazing as Stonewall Jackson. Loved that movie.
HeXp£Øi± said:
Well Tonks...i agree with the thought, but that's one ugly flag.
aw heck...i was the first one i found that wasn't based on the US sure could use a little sprucing up....
IDLEchild said:
Why? No hoot an a holler for you?
i just hate the ensuing arguement that always arises when we discuss such parts of peoples's tiresome and irrelevant...the past is the past lets focus on the future.
HeXp£Øi± said:
Just looks like a miniature version of the rebel flag to me.

Red Cross [Ratio 2:3]
The ICRC owes its creation to the Swiss, Henry Dunant. In 1863 an International Conference met in Geneva to try and improve the medical care of soldiers in war. It adopted the red cross on a white field as the emblem of societies working for the relief of wounded soldiers. These were to become the Red Cross and Red Crescent societies. The 1864 Geneva Convention, the first, officially recognized the emblems.

tonks said:
i just hate the ensuing arguement that always arises when we discuss such parts of peoples's tiresome and irrelevant...the past is the past lets focus on the future.

Identity comes from the past, heritage comes fro mthe past - it gives you a sense of of wh oyou are, and for most parts past dictates the future. Ignore the past and your future is doomed.