Got a Rebel Flag for Christmas!

Ms Ann Thrope said:
I thought it was called Southern Comfort.... :retard:
well..i suppose enough of that will make you forget about injustice...if administered frequently and in copious amounts....
Inkara1 said:
No, WV was formed because of a difference of opinion between the people in that part of Virginia and the rest of Virginia. If I remember right, Virginia seceded and West Virginia didn't.

Oh I know that's the main reason. I had just thought that southern and western Maryland citizens had a little to say in it too. When Lee moved up into Maryland prior to Antietam, they didn't get too much respect as I understand it, but McClellan was cheered on.
Ms Ann Thrope said:
I thought it was called Southern Comfort.... :retard:

no Southern Comfort came as a result of the Civial War for those who want to forget Appomatox ;) we had sympathy for the South ;)