Got a Rebel Flag for Christmas!

Yikes, didn't know I was gonna start a big thing here...tonks dear, I honestly did not post this with the intention of starting an argument. Really, I didn't. I live in Maryland, a border state during the war, but I'm a fan of the Confederacy, though it's quite dead. I apologize to you if this thread didn't agree with you in any way.

Yes, I did see Gods and Generals, and General Thomas J. Jackson is my favorite general. He did amazing things for the south before his death.

It is also the birthday of Old Pete, aka General Longstreet today. Had he been alive now he would be celebrating his 183rd.
IDLEchild said:
Identity comes from the past, heritage comes fro mthe past - it gives you a sense of of wh oyou are, and for most parts past dictates the future. Ignore the past and your future is doomed.

I agree there, and also, history finds a way to repeat itself, as you mentioned. If you know what happened then, you can be better prepared for when it happens again.
FluerVanderloo said:
Yes, I did see Gods and Generals, and General Thomas J. Jackson is my favorite general. He did amazing things for the south before his death.
He was a great man and he should have been fighting for the north.
unclehobart said:
This should be the world flag:

Gets my vote! :thumbup:
You want a flag? Here's a flag...


and the motto could be "The Beacon of Justice & Honor"
FluerVanderloo said:
That all depends on who you would have been rooting for of course.

African Americans that lived in bondage. Personally i think it was ironic the fashion in which he died. I believe god took him so that he would not taste the sting of defeat. He was pro south but anti-slavery.
IDLEchild said:
Identity comes from the past, heritage comes fro mthe past - it gives you a sense of of wh oyou are, and for most parts past dictates the future. Ignore the past and your future is doomed.
who i am is not where i came from....who i am is right now. who i am is what i believe is right and wrong...not something that has been handed down over and over again because people didn't want to destroy their heritage. you should learn about your past, you should learn from your past...but the future is all that matters....because i had nothing to do with what happened in the past but i can do my best to affect the future.
Gonz said:
You want a flag? Here's a flag...


and the motto could be "The Beacon of Justice & Honor"

Animated gifs are a lot easier to come by than animated flags, I'm sorry to say.
HeXp£Øi± said:
Yes yes...what other Civil War goodies have you? That's just the confederate battle flag though, here's the real First National Flag of the Confederacy.


Yes, I've seen that. For some reason I didn't like it too much. I like the one with the simple circle of stars though, no star in the middle.

My second favorite flag is the Bonnie Blue.
Inkara1 said:
Animated gifs are a lot easier to come by than animated flags, I'm sorry to say.

What kind of geek are you? This is the 21st century & we're getting jpegs back from Mars. I'm sure it easily do-able.
FluerVanderloo said:
Yikes, didn't know I was gonna start a big thing here...tonks dear, I honestly did not post this with the intention of starting an argument. Really, I didn't. I live in Maryland, a border state during the war, but I'm a fan of the Confederacy, though it's quite dead. I apologize to you if this thread didn't agree with you in any way.

Yes, I did see Gods and Generals, and General Thomas J. Jackson is my favorite general. He did amazing things for the south before his death.

It is also the birthday of Old Pete, aka General Longstreet today. Had he been alive now he would be celebrating his 183rd.

we were considered a southern state since we are south of the Mason Dixon. we are border because Pa is right above us so MD was very split. but considered southern. I am not a fan of the rebel flag nor of the flag gonz used but the rebel flag us jsut a part of the Southern states heritage, and the Swastika wasnt always a symbol of hate before the Nazis took it.
I am not sure whether we sceded or not. I think it was slpit as was mentioned. I think it is only southern because it is south of the Mason Dixion but i am not totally positive on that
freako104 said:
I am not sure whether we sceded or not. I think it was slpit as was mentioned. I think it is only southern because it is south of the Mason Dixion but i am not totally positive on that

Yeah, we were very split. I consider Kentucky, Missouri, and Maryland border states. Maryland never seceded, at least I'm pretty sure we didn't.

Isn't it also true that West Virginia was partly formed by a difference of opinion of the people in Maryland? It's speculation I heard, but does make some sense.
No, WV was formed because of a difference of opinion between the people in that part of Virginia and the rest of Virginia. If I remember right, Virginia seceded and West Virginia didn't.