check out this little shitkicker. probably provided a lot of jobs, from the contractors to the creepy university thugs.
I wonder how well it would work for crowd control?
Scientists there, in coordination with the Office of Naval Research (ONR), injected a sustained 500 kilovolts (KV) of juice into a prototype accelerator where the existing limit had been 320 kV -- a world’s record, the scientists explained.
In addition, according to Navy officials, the FEL laser can perform at different wavelengths, meaning it can operate at lower and more powerful levels so that it can be used for different applications, which other laser technology cannot. It is also not vulnerable to atmospheric conditions, as solid-state lasers are, making them wane in power depending on the weather.
The Navy must not only figure out a way to harness the electron beam into a light ray
No Cat we are not all stupid.
hey whatever happened to reagan's "star wars?"