green hell

unclehobart said:

I love wafer thin slices of zuchini on my pizza. I usually soak 'em in verjuice first, and then pan-fry 'em with garlic, pepper, and salt. Mmmm.... :licklips:

As for veges: pre-frozen of any variety - especially peas, carrots, beans, and mixes veges (peas, carrots, corn, beans). I also hate turnips, swedes, carrots (fresh), and brussel sprouts.
Leslie said:

damn this brain of mine gets slower every year. :hmm:

I love fiddleheads! I always used to go pick them every year.

They are great, cooked with a little bit of vinegar of them! Yumm.

The only veggy I hate are olives. (or they a fruit)
You people are nutz, most everything you listed is top-shelf grubables ('cept okra and never hear'd of a fiddlehead.)

Love my veggies......specially my Ketchup.
Anyone remember broccoflower? That was some crazy fucked-up shit right there.

I seem to be about the only one in California who likes Okra. Zucchini is OK... it would probably be better if I hadn't had a steady diet of it... every single night every summer of every year. Yellow hookneck is my favorite squash.
Never heard of broccoflower. :shrug:

Rutabaga is nasty. It has no redeeming quality whatsoever, IMO. Another name for it is kohlrabi, I think. Bitter, turnip-like root. Bleah.
BeardofPants said:
I love wafer thin slices of zuchini on my pizza. I usually soak 'em in verjuice first, and then pan-fry 'em with garlic, pepper, and salt. Mmmm.... :licklips:

As for veges: pre-frozen of any variety - especially peas, carrots, beans, and mixes veges (peas, carrots, corn, beans). I also hate turnips, swedes, carrots (fresh), and brussel sprouts.
Thats just it. You have to drown zuchinis in tons of other stuff so they don't taste like what they really are.

RM, swedes? queTF?
i won't eat a frozen carrot. i can tell. i jusy know when it's been frozen. it has a nasty nasally taste.
Fiddleheads are commonly eaten by long distance Appalachian Trail hikers. They grow abundantly along portions of the trail, and these folks need the nutrients too much to worry about taste. I have never tried them.

I'l pretty picky. There are a lot of veggies I ain't fond of. If forced to narrow it down to three, I'd have to go with brussel sprouts, zucchini, and asparagus.

Anyone tried or heard of poke salat? It's a green that grows wild here. Folks love it. They fix it with eggs or sometimes even with another local anomoly, brains and eggs. Brains being pork brain fried with scrambled eggs and poke salat stirred in. I hear it's quite divine.
nasally taste, Tonks? You mean like boogers or summat?

Personal dislike, boiled cabbage. Raw is fine, but boiled *shudder*
Gato_Solo said:
I'd have to go with okra. Nothing that slimy could be good for you. :sick:


Whoever prepped it didn't know what they were doing if it turned out slimy. The only proper way is fried, dusted in corn meal. At that point, when done right, I'm with Gonz. Get yer own, this pan's MINE.

I'd have to go with celery, although zucchini's a near second.
HomeLAN said:

Whoever prepped it didn't know what they were doing if it turned out slimy. The only proper way is fried, dusted in corn meal. At that point, when done right, I'm with Gonz. Get yer own, this pan's MINE.

I'd have to go with celery, although zucchini's a near second.

My great-grandmother...from Georgia. Everybody in the family loved her okra but me. I've had it fried, stewed, in gumbo, and even baked. It always tastes matter who prepares it. :shrug:
You need to drift down here and let me feed you some of mine, or (even better) my mother-in-law's.
HomeLAN said:
You need to drift down here and let me feed you some of mine, or (even better) my mother-in-law's.

Much as I hate to decline free eats...and I have the bod to attest to that...I'd still have to pass on the okra. Too many bad childhood memories, I guess. BTW...the first time I had gumbo was when i was TDY to 'Nawlins'. I had no idea it had okra in it until I bit into a piece. If I wasn't a giest in one of my co-workers parents homes, I would've spit it out at the table. My stomach still roils at the thought. :sick:
I don't get the aversion to celery. Eaten raw, it's crunchy and refreshing. Eaten cooked in a soup or something, it just takes on other flavors. What's the dealio? :confused:
It has it's own, nasty treebark taste undertones, and it's stringy more than crunchy. *shudder*
abooja said:
But it's damn tasty with cream cheese!
In a universe where things like that are true :p

Lesseee.....I like sprouts but DETEST cucumber, brockli, colliflower....never even heard of half the veggies you guys eat :S
Cucumbers are one of my favorite vegetables. (Not for the reasons some of you may be thinking. ;)) Eating one is like drinking a glass of tonic on a hot summer day. :cool: