ekahs retsam
New Member
I've heard that one Paul
but i can't remember where...... this is going to drive me crazy
but i can't remember where...... this is going to drive me crazy
I woke up. The pain and sickness all over me like an animal. Then I realized what it was. The music coming up from the floor was our old friend, Ludwig Van, and the dreaded Ninth Symphony.
Gato_Solo said:
Gato_Solo said:Sounds relatively recent...less than a decade, anyway...
Inkara1 said:I was going to guess Snatch... but if it's not that, there's another, very similar movie (that I haven't seen) that is by the same guy, but I don't wnat to make two guesses at once.
Inkara1 said:If not Snatch, then Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels... and if not that, then I'm stumped.
Inkara1 said:damn
Evil: If I were creating the world I wouldn't mess about with butterflies and daffodils. I would have started with lasers, eight o'clock, Day One!
[zaps one of his minions accidentally, minion screams]
Evil: Sorry.
Randall: We made trees and shrubs. We helped make all this.
Kevin: Whew! That's not bad.
Randall: Yeah. But did we get a thimble full of credit for it? No! All we got was the sack. Just for creating the Pink Bunkadoo.
Kevin: Pink Bunkadoo?
Randall: Yeah. Beautiful trees that was. Og designed it. 600 feet high, bright red, and smelled terrible.
Evil: Oh, Benson... Dear Benson, you are so mercifully free of the ravages of intelligence.
Benson: Oh, you say such nice things, Master.
Evil: Yes I know, I'm sorry!
Evil: Suddenly, I feel very, very good.
Robert: Oh, I'm sorry, Master.
Evil: No, it'll pass, it'll pass.
Evil: God isn't interested in technology. He cares nothing for the microchip or the silicon revolution. Look how he spends his time, forty-three species of parrots! Nipples for men!
Robert: Slugs.
Evil: Slugs! HE created slugs! They can't hear. They can't speak. They can't operate machinery. Are we not in the hands of a lunatic?
paul_valaru said:ding ding ding
lock stock and 2 smoking barrels it is