Guess the Movie

Aunty Em said:
I don't remember that in lock, stock and 2 smoking barrels... but funny thing was, I was thinking it was a vinnie jones film and I was right... lol.

Oh and is that that austin powers 2 movie?

it is the opening sequence, before any credits, before the voice-over introduces the characters, it is bacon selling the stuff on the street.
A: And how did you get past my security?
B: Oh, you mean that guy?
[points to dead man with pencils in his Adam's apple on floor]
A: Was that really necessary?
B: Necessary? No, it was fun.
Sorry, I was busy...
Aunty Em said:
Yes... dammit!

what can I say, I love bullseye

Telegram Girl: [dancing wildly, while singing in an absurdly high soprano] A-a-a-a-a-a-A-a-a-a-a-a-a-A-a-a-a-a-a-a-A-A! Mrs Ida Lowry requests the pleasure of your COMPANYYYY! At her APARTMENT TONIIIIGHTT! For eight thirtee-EE-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-EE, to MIDNIGHTTT! To celebrate the completion of her recent cosmetic SURGERYYY! E-e-e-e-e-e-E-e-e-e-e-e-E! wwwWWAAAAAAIIIIIIIII!
[very long pause, blank glances around nervously]
blank: ummm... Thanks.
Telegram Girl: It's reply paid.
blank: Is it?
[telgram girl nods]
blank: oh... um... two, three,
blank: Mother, I sorry that I am unable to come to your parrrttty...
Telegram Girl: You DON'T have to sing it!
blank: I don't?
Brazil.... the Lowry was a giveaway.

A: Go to the north. The decisive battle will be fought there.
B: Why didn't you build a fence there?
A: A good fort needs a gap. The enemy must be lured in. So we can attack them. If we only defend, we lose the war.
Aunty Em said:
Damn you Paul... you googled!

actually I have seen that one a few times, I knew it from the moment you posted it, I thought I would let at least one guess in. :p

First of all, I'd like to thank whichever one of you donut-munching, barrel-assed, pud-pulling sissies leaked this to the press. That's all we need now: some sensational story in the papers making these guys out to be superheroes, triumphing over evil. Let me squash the rumors right now: These two are not heroes. They're just two ordinary men who were put in an extraordinary situation and just happened to come out on top. Yes, nothing from our far-reaching computer system has turned up diddly on these two. All we know is what we found out from the neighbors, and the general consensus is, they're angels. But angels don't kill. And we have two bodies in the morgue that look like they've been "serial-crushed by some huge friggin' guy".