Guess the Movie

pity really 'cos i gave it him too :D

under the rider that he post the titles of all 5 dirty harry films, and he'd already said three :)
since im up heres mine its an easy one

you remind me of the babe. what babe? the babe with the power. what power? the power of voodoo. who do? you do. do what? remind me of the babe!
oh no, i don't need imdb, i have this odd memory for the tone of a quote.

sometimes i get it straight off, sometimes i got to think a bit
ok, here we go, apologies for the delay but my comp is playing silly-buggers

so, what's your major?

post-modern-feminist-thought great night isn't it?


somehting about the springtime that's just cool, you know. like the smell of fresh rain or something. suck me beautiful.

easy :)
btw, after ris comes and says it is, the first one that comes can post a quote (not you ris :p )

think of one of the most famous film theme tunes written by the DADDY of film-music, John Williams. It's indirectly connected.

(mwehehehe. This one I'm not giving away so least I hope. :confuse3: )