Guess the Movie

hehehe, cool, i'm usually crap at these things :D

ok , its not completely mainsteam...

variety's the spice of life. i like a wide selection. sometimes i'm in the mood for nasty close-ups, sometimes i like them arty and air-brushed. sometimes it's a spread brown-eye kind of night, sometimes it's girl-on-girl time. sometimes a steamy letter will do it, sometimes -- not often, but sometimes -- i like the idea of a chick with a horse.

I actually think I've heard that, but for the life of me can't remember where.
OMG! I totally missed that one :D

I just saw that movie 2 days ago :D

Muahahaha! Let's see...what's it gonna be....mhh....hard time to it isn't...'CAUSE I KNOW THE ANSWER! :headbang:

You guys want to know? You really want to know?

I'll tell you all! :yell:

The movie was......*drums sounding in the background*

Chasing Amy!

Yes, the one with Ben Affleck...:p
Woohoo! Now let's see.....what am I gonna choose...gimme a minute, the previous ones were too easy, except for the one ris did, that was pure coïncidence :D
You'll have a hard time guessing this one :D

I had to think hard to come up with it, and actually had to look up that part in the movie to make sure I got it right :D


Our fathers were our models for God. If they bailed, what does that tell you about God? You have to be prepared for the possibility that God does not like you.
Oh man, I hate you :D

All the trouble of finding that quote...I thought it was impossible to guess :(

Oh well, it's your turn again I guess :D