Guess the Movie

sorry, but i'm moving this one to the's been on top of this page for almost 8 months.
such a huge thread belongs in the KK :)

HeXp£Øi± said:
Duh! That was the easiest one ever. How come nobody ever asks easy ones when i'm looking?

there were some easier ones ;) if i get to post one again ill wait for you to be on :D
Shadowfax said:
sorry, but i'm moving this one to the's been on top of this page for almost 8 months.
such a huge thread belongs in the KK :)



;) It was only a matter of time. :)

You know what this means, right? Whoreable can play now. Don't know if that's good or bad.
freako104 said:
wow first guess! you got it Hal :)

:dance: As long as this thread has been going...this is only my first time to post a quote.

Shadowfax said:
sorry, but i'm moving this one to the's been on top of this page for almost 8 months.
such a huge thread belongs in the KK

And it would be my first quote and its moved to the KK
Ok this one was taken slightly out of context so as not to make it too easy...

1: Did you know that the Empress is very ill?
2: Not that it matters, but yes. Actually we don't care.
1: If I don't save her she'll die! Don't you care about that?
2: We don't even care whether or not we care.
I really don't think the guess the movie thread should be in the kiddie korner. I think it's worthy enough that it should reside in the entertainment forum.
I think it's in the KK not because it's a bad thread per se but because it's a really big one. I wouldn't want someone who was forced into the KK to start screwing up a legitimate thread on purpose but I guess we'll see what happens with that.

Jan, is that The Last Action Hero or something like that? The one with Arnold?
Nope, not an Arnie movie. Although you are on the right track in terms of a transformation.

Oh, and it's older than that too. Somewhere between 1970 and 1990.
oh no! I forgot you like to stump us with older movies that we *should* have seen but probably haven't. ;)

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory? When the cowboy kid gets sucked into the tv?
Dang, pre-1990 is old! Post-1970 is old!? I guess I must be old. Although I didn't think so. I saw this one as a teenager. An "Old movie" to me is pre-1960.

And no, not Willy Wonka. It's not that old. Although again, the idea is right, and actually much closer than the first guess.

Another hint: this was was one of the earliest, if not the first, of the films to make use of CGI.
I was jus kiddin with ya... Didn't you post some quotes from Casablanca a while back? That's what I was talkin aboot. :)

Hmmm... The only other movies I can think of where someone gets sucked into a tv is Poltergeist and Twilight Zone the Movie.