Guess this hero didn't need a gun


Well-Known Member
LITTLETON, Colo. – The gunman was walking through a middle school parking lot and taking shots at students with a hunting rifle as terrified teenagers ran for their lives. He had just wounded two students and seemed ready to unleash more violence when a math teacher named David Benke sprung into action.
Benke confronted the 32-year-old gunman, tackled him and pinned him to the ground with the help of another teacher, stopping what could have been a much more violent encounter in a city all too familiar with tragic school shootings. The shooting occurred in the same city where the Columbine High School massacre happened nearly 11 years ago.
"Unfortunately he got another round off before I could grab him," Benke said. "He figured out that he wasn't going to be able to get another round chambered before I got to him so he dropped the gun and then we were kind of struggling around trying to get him subdued."
The two students survived Tuesday's shooting and one remained hospitalized.
Police said they aren't immediately sure about what motivated Bruco Strongeagle Eastwood to target Deer Creek Middle School just after classes had ended for the day. Eastwood has an arrest record in Colorado dating back to 1996 for menacing, assault, domestic violence and driving under the influence, and he is believed to have a history of mental issues.
Jefferson County Sheriff Ted Mink praised Benke and called him a hero. Benke, the father of 7-year-old twins and a 13-year-old girl, fought back tears after Mink thanked him.
"Believe me when I say, I think he stopped what could have been a more tragic event than it was this afternoon," Mink said.
The victims, students Reagan Webber and Matt Thieu, were both treated at Littleton Adventist Hospital, where spokeswoman Christine Alexander said Webber was treated and released to her home. Thieu was transferred to The Children's Hospital, where he was listed in critical condition late Tuesday.
Benke, a 6-foot-5 former college basketball player who oversees the school's track team, was monitoring the parking lot in the afternoon when he heard what he thought was a firecracker and began walking toward the noise.
"At first when I was walking over there, it was kind of what a teacher does," Benke said, still shaken hours after the shooting. "`Hey kid, what are you doing,' you know that kind of thing."
He said another teacher was quickly on the scene and both of them pinned the gunman to the ground. Eastwood was armed with a bolt-action rifle.
"I basically have my arms and legs wrapped around him, (the other teacher) has his forearm around his front and we were basically trying to get the guy to quit struggling."
well great job on the part of this benke guy, but if he had put one in the guy's chest, there would have been less of a chance of a struggle not going the way of the hero.

of course this will mean we need to ban all semiautomatic firearms, right? i mean, golly, if that kid had a semiautomatic... or even a pump shotgun... yeah, we should ban 'em all.

in other news...


Rack'em, stack'em and pack'em

well somebody's a fan of that company that put stuff about jesus on their optics. yeah this guy is just a little over the top. over 3000 rounds loaded in magazines. winky needs to change his shorts now.
"Unfortunately he got another round off before I could grab him," Benke said. "He figured out that he wasn't going to be able to get another round chambered before I got to him so he dropped the gun and then we were kind of struggling around trying to get him subdued."

Bish, you posted this article as a pro-gun-control example of how people are still able to stop crazy gunmen without having their own guns.

However, this line knocks down that article. The only reason Benke was a hero and not another casuality was because the gunman missed the first shot. When Benke started running at the gunman, he had enough time to get one shot off at Benke, which would have killed him if the gunman hadn't missed.

This is a feel-good story about a hero saving lives, but it's a story where everyone got really lucky. Had the gunman been able to hit Benke with that one shot, this would have been a far more disastrous story.
The odds of hitting a moving target is lower than you might imagine... the odds of a straight kill are lower still. He also had a second man coming at him (also unarmed).

The story is not so much about the unarmed hero, but about the joys of letting just anyone have a weapon for any reason without reasonable constraints on who can and cannot own a firearm.
Eastwood has an arrest record in Colorado dating back to 1996 for menacing, assault, domestic violence and driving under the influence, and he is believed to have a history of mental issues.

This guy should obviously have been on the have-not section of the 2nd amendment.
well somebody's a fan of that company that put stuff about jesus on their optics. yeah this guy is just a little over the top. over 3000 rounds loaded in magazines. winky needs to change his shorts now.

Here's a question...what exactly is the point of owning and arming so many guns? The photo above isn't that of a 'collection' by someone who collects firearms like people collect isn't even about someone who wants a gun in their home/car/person for self-defense. That is a collection of someone with some serious issues with paranoia.
I know a number of people with large, and even larger gun collections.

My own brother for one. Albeit he only has about dozen pistols and he has a wider variety of types of weapons. He has an entire room dedicated to his weapons, supporting equipment and a living room full of trophy's. I also know a guy who has 40' pistol range at his office/shop.

Yeah, paranoia.
Here's a question...what exactly is the point of owning and arming so many guns? The photo above isn't that of a 'collection' by someone who collects firearms like people collect isn't even about someone who wants a gun in their home/car/person for self-defense. That is a collection of someone with some serious issues with paranoia.

it is a collection. now i would never collect that many firearms, but so what? it's not like he could use all of them at once.

why do i own 20 guitars? because i can? golly, that amount of guitars and associated other items i own... hmm, awfully over the top huh? i must have some issues with... well, yeah, i have plenty of issues. and that's my business.
The father, War Eagle Eastwood, owns the War Eagle Ranch near Hudson in south Weld County, where they train and raise horses for sale.

The father said his son was trying to get his G.E.D. high school equivalency, but was not able to complete it due to his mental health problems. “He's been bothered with mental problems for a long time,” the father said. “He tried to get medical help for them, but he couldn't afford to pay for the care.”

He's a victim of the society that failed him.

The bigger question is why would his father, an affluent horse rancher, just not shell out the $$ for private health insurance instead of leaving guns lying around in the reach of someone with " mental problems" and a long history of violence? :shrug:
cerise how do you know his father is affluent and/or lefts guns "lying around" the home?

(now, to me, the father sounds useless, one of those "we've tried nothin' and we're all out of ideas" types, but i don't know that.)
I'm guessing if he owns a horse ranch he has a few $$, and readily accessible guns to protect his investments from a marauding predator's fangs and claws.

But not paying for his son's medical treatment when the son can't afford it. Sheesh. In other words, he's an ineffective father.

Benke exercised his right to bare arms which are the only arms one is allowed to use in a school (free-fire) zone. The University of Northern Colorado, at this writing, is attempting to create still one more free-fire zone by banning CCW on campus. Right now, there is no ban on CCW on campus and there has never been an incident -- ever.
The bigger question is, why do we have so many laws abolishing, or limiting, the freedom to keep & bear arms? There should be none.

Easy answer, Democrats wanted to disarm them uppity Negros.


Taking guns of the oppositions, its how leftys roll. :hangman:
Easy answer, Democrats wanted to disarm them uppity Negros.


Taking guns of the oppositions, its how leftys roll. :hangman:

that's ridiculous. so, the original thingy behind gun control was for the benefit of the klan, an ultraright organization, but now it's lefties that want to disarm people that may oppose them politically? hardly. the left uses the gun thing in the same way that the right uses willie hortons. it's just a scare the kiddies thing, based on irrational fears of unlikely events involving the thing to be scared of.