Guess this hero didn't need a gun

Nice twisting there Minx. You can call it what you want, fact is it was democrats then and now.

The world is a dangerous, and it should be.
hero didn't need a gun but the criminal did!

Oh good Gawd! Now you are just being silly!
Minx are you coming unhinged!

OK playing devils advocate for shits and giggles is one thing
but that’s just being a nut!
Precluding honest citizens from defending themselves is on a par with
the fucked up failure of the Government to do the one thing
they ARE supposed to do,
which is protect us from enemies foreign and domestic.

Fuck Man, the Willie Horton kinda thing happens all the time!

There have been endless instances of criminals doing heinous
crimes after being caught time and again and released to
continue their preying on innocent people.

Keep up the good works!
Nice twisting there Minx. You can call it what you want, fact is it was democrats then and now.

The world is a dangerous, and it should be.

yeah those ultraliberal southern democrats like george f'ing wallace... and you say i'm twistin'


you've won the *self parody award of the day.*
No, more like the "Exalted Cyclops" dem from West Virginia.

That's Racist!

But all hell broke loose after Rice wrote another article that drew historical connections between the Ku Klux Klan and the Democratic Party.

She wrote that this ugly fact about the Democrat Party is detailed in the book, A Short History of Reconstruction, (Harper & Row Publishers, Inc., 1990) by Dr. Eric Foner, the renowned liberal historian who is the DeWitt Clinton Professor of History at Columbia University.

“Democrats … did not hide their connections to the Ku Klux Klan. Georgia-born Democrat Nathan Bedford Forrest, a Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan wrote on page 21 of the September 1928 edition of the Klan’s The Kourier Magazine, “I have never voted for any man who was not a regular Democrat. My father … never voted for any man who was not a Democrat. My grandfather was …the head of the Ku Klux Klan in reconstruction days…. My great-grandfather was a life-long Democrat…. My great-great-grandfather was…one of the founders of the Democratic Party.”


"Cartoon from 1868, which accuses the Democratic party presidential candidates of relying on support from Ku Klux Klan members who were Confederate traitors in 1864 (from the point of view of the USA)."
yeah, and hitler's party was the national "socialist" party, but everybody knows, they's was damned nazis.

meaningless labels are meaningless. if you read any decent history of voting blocks in the US you'll understand that the southern democrats (you know, the socially conservative segregationist types) of yesterday are the southern republicans of today. you know, your people.

but you know this. you're just yanking the chain again.
yeah yeah prolly only byrd who is an ancient democrat. and that means... virtually nothing.

"After World War II, during the civil rights movement, Democrats in the South initially still voted loyally with their party. The signing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, however, was the last straw for many Southern Democrats, who began voting against Democratic incumbents for GOP candidates. The Republicans carried many Southern states for the first time since before the Great Depression."
yeah maybe learn something about history instead of just spraying decontextualized kitty litter factlets again? i mean i realize that's often all there is that can support certain viewpoints, but after a while, it just gets sad.

man at danville, KY city hall to my father in 1974: "boy, now why would you want to register as one of them [republicans]?" shortly thereafter, the man proceeded to bring "the nigger problem" to my father's attention.

nah, southern democrats are liberal as all shit.

We have a Bill of Rights, not a Bill of Needs.

What is the point in owning an 8' couch if your body is less than 2' wide?

Just because it is your right, doesn't mean that you have to exercise said right..or even over-exercise it in order to protect it.

Your 2nd was a case of need... whether it remains is another story.
that's ridiculous. so, the original thingy behind gun control was for the benefit of the klan, an ultraright organization, but now it's lefties that want to disarm people that may oppose them politically? hardly. the left uses the gun thing in the same way that the right uses willie hortons. it's just a scare the kiddies thing, based on irrational fears of unlikely events involving the thing to be scared of.

I guess you have never read Clayton Cramer's "The Racist Roots of Gun Control". I thought you were better informed on the firearms front.
Just because it is your right, doesn't mean that you have to exercise said right..or even over-exercise it in order to protect it.

Your 2nd was a case of need... whether it remains is another story.

Everyone has a right to exercise or not exercise any right. If you choose to speak you are exercising your right to free speech. If you remain quiet, you are exercising your right to not exercise your right to free speech.

The need remains as needful as it ever was. The threat of armed rebellion has held this government in check for 228 years. Read up on the "Battle of Athens, Tennessee".
Man, those SoDems had reason to abandon the Dixiecrats

By party
The original House version:[8]

Democratic Party: 152-96 (61%-39%)
Republican Party: 138-34 (80%-20%)
Cloture in the Senate:[9]

Democratic Party: 44-23 (66%-34%)
Republican Party: 27-6 (82%-18%)
The Senate version:[8]

Democratic Party: 46-21 (69%-31%)
Republican Party: 27-6 (82%-18%)
The Senate version, voted on by the House:[8]

Democratic Party: 153-91 (63%-37%)
Republican Party: 136-35 (80%-20%)
Rights are absolute., if Bundy got released tomorrow, he'd be able to walk into a gun store Sunday and legally buy a gun...and you'd have no issue with this? How about Berkowitz? How about the local drug-pusher? Local child molester? The paranoid schizophrenic off his meds?

Anyone, anytime for any reason? :swing:
Once your punitive debt to society is paid, it is paid.

When your kid behaves bad, is he always bad from then on? problems with people crossing over your borders into the USA, despite criminal records? much for the 'no fly' list, or being stopped at the borders for a 10yr old DWI... wait till the world hears of this. :D