Guess what?

Part of me says snow is fun and good and beautiful ...part of me says it's a bloody inconvienience.

Luckily, i still tend to the former opinion.

My dad (god rest his soul) still remained 'young at heart' till the end of his days - inside.

Snow on christmas eve for me, preferably after 3pm. (after random chaotic present buying, and tree a gettin' etc)
Over here is HOT and humid, I swear the weather feels like you're at the beach.
At 1am today I suddenly heard a squeal, and the critters bedroom door was flung open: "It's snowing!! It's snowing!!" He then ran out on the veranda in just his undies, realised it was, um, cold, and came back in with a grin. "Look! Snow!"

It'll be gone by 10am, I'm sure.
Still warm enough to fish here today. Planning on enjoying that while I can. Too windy to catch much of anything though. No keepers.
I'm in Dixie. I don't ice fish.

It's too cold to fish when you have to keep the bait in your mouth to keep it from freezing.