Hamas claims majority in new Palestinian elections

Re: Hamas claims majority in new Palastinian elections

HomeLAN said:
I did expect something different. I really thought the average palestinian just wanted to get on with life, and was a heck of a lot smarter than to vote for a group of murderous thugs and their apocalyptic view of the future.

Guess I was wrong.

replace Palestinian with American and your still on target.

that’s the problem and the beauty of democracy, while everyone gets a vote they may vote for some asshat. It’s also possible that they don’t vote at all, freedom of choice is a real bitch

**golf clap**
Re: Hamas claims majority in new Palastinian elections

ekahs retsam said:
replace Palestinian with American and your still on target.

that’s the problem and the beauty of democracy, while everyone gets a vote they may vote for some asshat. It’s also possible that they don’t vote at all, freedom of choice is a real bitch

**golf clap**

78% Turnout. I think the Palestinian people have pretty well spoken. The joke about that is that there really is no such thing as a "Palestinian people." There never was a Palestinian homeland. They just don't want the Jews there. Genocide is hardly a palatable answer, but do you have another?
chcr said:
Fatah is totally corrupt. Hamas is not. They have a reputation for honesty. It's one of the reasons they're so popular. :shrug:
I guess it depends on your definition of honesty. :D
Maybe they do believe the dribble they feed their homicide bombers. :alienhuh:

Seems some people have a hard time now days with what a lie is, and what an 'honest' mistake is too.
It seems it all comes down to what you want to believe.
catocom said:
I guess it depends on your definition of honesty. :D
Maybe they do believe the dribble they feed their homicide bombers. :alienhuh:

Seems some people have a hard time now days with what a lie is, and what an 'honest' mistake is too.
It seems it all comes down to what you want to believe.

Sorry cat. insane is not the same as corrupt. By some estimates, Hamas spends 80% of it's yearly budget on things you would traditionally expect the gov't. to do like schools, social programs, etc. They certainly try to turn this to their advantage in a propagandic sense, but since Arafat (maybe even during) the vast majority of Palestinian leaders have been unashamedly lining their own pockets. Given the inflammatory rhetoric of the region and the feelings of the Palestinian people, it's really not that hard to see why you get the results you do. They voted Hamas in because in their view Hamas is better than any of the alternatives. :shrug:
You can be sorry if you want to chic, I don't care. :D

The way I see it, if they were insane, they'd be blowing themselves up, not
sending women and children to do it.

That's just immoral, while they are preaching at them.
A joke for the ladies, but fits here too kinda. :)

A woman was walking along the beach when she stumbled upon a bottle.
She picked it up and rubbed it, and 'low-and-behold' a genie appeared.
The woman asked if she got three wishes. The genie said, "Nope,
sorry, three-wish genies are a storybook myth. I'm a one-wish genie.
So... what'll it be?"

The woman did not hesitate. She said, "I want peace in the Middle

See this map? I want these countries to stop fighting with each other
and I want all the Arabs to love the Jews and Americans and
vice-versa. It will bring about world peace and harmony."

The genie looked at the map and exclaimed, "Lady, be reasonable.
These countries have been at war for thousands of years. I'm out of
shape after being in a bottle for five hundred years. I'm good but not
THAT good! I don't think it can be done. Make another wish and please
be reasonable."

The woman thought for a minute and said, "Well, I've never been able
to find the right man. You know, one that's considerate and fun,
likes to cook and help with the house cleaning, is great in bed, and
gets along with my family, doesn't watch sports all the time, and is
faithful. That is what I wish for...... a good man."

The genie let out a sigh and said, "Let me see that freakin' map
catocom said:
You can be sorry if you want to chic, I don't care. :D

The way I see it, if they were insane, they'd be blowing themselves up, not
sending women and children to do it.

That's just immoral, while they are preaching at them.
It's a special kind of insanity, cat. The "I'd do it but I'm far too important to the cause to be sacrificed kind." Bin Laden has it too. The fact is though that there are understandable reasons why they were voted into power as well as incomprehensible ones. We ignore the understandable ones and focus on the incomprehensible ones at our peril.
HomeLAN said:

So, the peace-loving people of Palastine have handed power to an acknowledged terrorist group who have, in the near past, held as announced goals the eradication of a neighboring state and the killing of as many Israeli and US citizens as possible. Not even mandating a coalition, they handed these bastards a clean majority.

Are some of you starting to get the picture yet? These folks don't want peace, nor even continued negotiation. They WANT to remain in howling barbarism and a constant state of holy war, and they've elected a gov't that will lead them there.

I need a drink.

Palestine has been recognized as a sovereign nation and the majority has voted in a terrorist "party". The people have spoken.

Hamas is in charge and any agressive action their people now take could be seen as an act of war. There can't be any "well, we can't control this radical minority... they are just an offshoot and do not officially speak for the Palestinian people as a whole."

When their people feel the teeth of retaliation, they can't whine about it. There will be no innocent "victims", no such thing as collateral damage.
chcr said:
Hamas spends 80% of it's yearly budget on things you would traditionally expect the gov't.

Too bad they couldn't get that deal done with the TNT Body Bag company. That would have saved 'em 10%.
MrBishop said:

Both sides of the Issue:

The election shows that the will of the Palestinian people has no problem with terrorism. "Islam is the religion of peace" is a complete myth. The idea only 1-2% of Muslims are for radical Islam is patently false. There is not a significant number of moderate Muslims and it appears that most followers of Islam hate the West. A war on Islam is looming.

Western Media has misrepresented Hamas: they are not terrorists. They are more than just a bunch of rag tag suicide bombers and their humanitarian efforts were more effective in helping the Palestinian people than that of the Fatah government. Hamas will mellow out and continue the peace process.
Gonz said:
Too bad they couldn't get that deal done with the TNT Body Bag company. That would have saved 'em 10%.
Thanks for quoting out of context, Gonz. I guess it's what you do though... :swing:
There's no need to quote the entire text when the one line said it all.
By some estimates, Hamas spends 80% of it's yearly budget on things you would traditionally expect the gov't. to do like schools, social programs, etc.
means the same thing as
Hamas spends 80% of it's yearly budget on things you would traditionally expect the gov't.
I don't think so. :grinno:
I'm not really surprised that you do though.
:lol: Keep trying Gonz. Who are you trying to convince? If it's me you're wasting your time.
So would you care to show me what I'm missing? I quoted you after all.
Palestine has been recognized as a sovereign nation and the majority has voted in a terrorist "party". The people have spoken.
You're saying you don't want to encourage democracy in the Middle East? Ithought that was Bush's goal? Weird.

The Other One said:
Hamas is in charge and any agressive action their people now take could be seen as an act of war.

When their people feel the teeth of retaliation, they can't whine about it. There will be no innocent "victims", no such thing as collateral damage.
Seems Israel is making the agressive actions....

Israel has cast doubt on its willingness to continue to transfer customs and tax revenue, worth $50m, collected on behalf of the Palestinian Authority. A senior Israeli defence ministry official also said on Saturday it would not grant Hamas legislators free access between Gaza and the legislature in Ramallah the West Bank, making the governing of the divided territories more difficult. BBC

Hamas co-founder Mahmoud Zahhar said: "We are not playing terrorism or violence. We are under occupation."
"The Israelis are continuing their aggression against our people, killing, detention, demolition and in order to stop these processes, we run effective self defence by all means, including using guns," he told BBC World TV.

Would that mean when Israel feels the teeth of retaliation, they can't whine about it. There will be no innocent "victims", no such thing as collateral damage?

"he Council for the Advancement of Arab-British Understanding in London said there had to be talks. "Just as Palestinians had to deal with the rejectionist Likud government of Ariel Sharon from 2001, so Israel will have to deal with a new Palestinian government," it said." BBC

The election shows that the will of the Palestinian people has no problem with terrorism. "Islam is the religion of peace" is a complete myth. The idea only 1-2% of Muslims are for radical Islam is patently false. There is not a significant number of moderate Muslims
Well that wouldn't make any sense. If the IRA was elected into office in Ireland it wouldn't mean "the will of the Irish people has no problem with terrorism. "Catholicism is the religion of peace" is a complete myth. The idea only 1-2% of Catholics are radical is patently false. There is not a significant number of moderate Catholics."