Handwriting thread.


Well-Known Member
I carried out my shoutbox threat.

If any lefty wants to confirm that they begin letters at the bottom of the line, let me know. Feel free to post samples of your handwriting for discussion.

Here's mine, nevermind the scribbled box - I had to do something to trick my scanner into not chopping off my lettering.
Well, you have rounded edges, which IMO makes it look nice and adds a feminine touch.

I somehow managed to skate through elementary school cursive writing, doing just well enough to stay out of the remedial classes, and then I let it all go. I think it's a little pointy and somewhat goofy looking, but it's certainly recognizable as my own.
..er...the 'Yen grade' ???

what's that advanced primary school economics class?

anyways...you both should have fine careers as Gp's ... (Doctors)

best, BB
If my 10 year old wrote like either of you, I'd tan her ass and she'd spend the next month copying out the dictionary.
The whole idea of making letters from either the top down or the bottom up fascinates me.

Prof, let's see some writing.
I've been told my writing is insanely neat...I don't have a sample and can't be arsed to write one and scan it...
I can't post a sample, but imagine the beginning copy books you had when you first started cursive ---- that's what mine looks like. *sigh*

No style what-so-ever. LOL

My printing is the style you learn in mechanical drawing class.
I can't post a sample, but imagine the beginning copy books you had when you first started cursive ---- that's what mine looks like. *sigh*

No style what-so-ever. LOL

My printing is the style you learn in mechanical drawing class.

Ditto. My biggest problem writing is that I've been known to leave notes in Palm Graffiti.
Don't have time to write anything right now, but I had this snippet lying about..

(This is my "scribble down fast, only gonna be read by me"-handwriting.)


And this..


I tend to skip letters when I write by hand. Or swap letters around. Often I write down a three-word-letter, misplace two letters, write it agin, misplace the same letters, write it again, misplace same.... Just give me a fuckin' keyboard!
Aint doin my ritin, it ain't no better than this.

Anyway, Tonks, look for a setting called autocrop on your scanner, should stop that pesky stuff from happening.
LOL, I feel some remedial spelling and handwriting classes coming on... :D

Personally, if you can read it who cares what it looks like?