Happy 5,000

Professur said:
That's gotta be one of the fastest climbs since Unc logged onto JJRs.

I'd be inclined to disagree. He's been here for well over a year.

Tonksy's climb up the post count ranks here, however... I think that would count as one of the fastest climbs since Unc joined JJR's.
Just did the math...

This means y'all have put up with 4.5 times the amount of Gonz' shit than you have mine. Gawd, that makes me feel better.
SouthernN'Proud said:
Just did the math...

This means y'all have put up with 4.5 times the amount of Gonz' shit than you have mine. Gawd, that makes me feel better.

More like 80 times (each post is really really painful)

BeardofPants said:
Painful in a really constipated way, or painful in a I've got a piece of sharp glass in my eye way?

More like constipated, with a sharp piece of glass up your ass.

You know. You really, really want to give a shit, but it hurts so much when you do.