Happy Birthday AlphaTroll!!!!!!!!!!!!

Joyous celebration of the anniversary of your birth and all that kind of stuff and related salutations that coincide with the observance.
Thanks guys :)

chcr said:
Tsk. Darned near thirty, huh?

Yeah, but I am still hot & fuckable :D And I don't even mind the implied implication that you think I am getting old...I am just too hopped up on chocolate cake & painkillers right now :D ;)
AlphaTroll said:
Thanks guys :)

Yeah, but I am still hot & fuckable :D And I don't even mind the implied implication that you think I am getting old...I am just too hopped up on chocolate cake & painkillers right now :D ;)

:hump: :hbd: *puter* :rfap:
I am on a complete sugar high right now - have the uncontrollable urge to run around the office giggling...most disturbing, this must be why I do not eat chocolates.
Why do you want to go to Montreal?

Argh nevermind, I misread...hey, can you handle me? I get worse than a two year old when I am all choccied up (scary I know).

BTW - see you in Vancouver soon(ish)