Happy Birthday fury!

The year after Canada drinking age and the year before U.S. drinking age... damnit, there's nothing special about 20 :mope:

Thanks all :beerbang:
fury said:
The year after Canada drinking age and the year before U.S. drinking age... damnit, there's nothing special about 20 :mope:

Thanks all :beerbang:
Really? So your second decade doesn't ring special? I thought all the 10s did.
fury said:
The year after Canada drinking age and the year before U.S. drinking age... damnit, there's nothing special about 20 :mope:

Thanks all :beerbang:
Ahh, eat ya some cake and party like there's no tomorrow. Happy birthday!
Omfg fury, I can't believe you're not a teen anymore. I still remember the first time you told me how old you were and I was shocked, couldn't believe it.

Hugs, kisses and humps for your birthday my love. I hope you have a great one!
Nothing different between 19 and 20? Pfft, I just turned 23. WTF is the big difference between 22 and 23? At least you turned both numbers over, I didn't get that. Happy birthday anyways!
Damn, I missed it. :alienhuh:
Oh well, at least you made it as day closer to 21. :)

and a day closer TO THE GRAVE. :evilcool:

ok ok, go have another drink to counter that hangeover, and calm down. :D
I missed my own cousin's birthday, what a stooge am I? Oh well, it's a little hard to keep track of 40 cousins.

The little kid I used to trap in card board boxes is 20 now...and he can probably kick my ass. I better not bring that up in Canada this year...I'll buy you a beer in Rice Lake (or a sweedish waitress, your choice), deal?? :toast: