Happy happy, joy joy

what are we talking here, happy like all the time? Happy generally? Happy in the back of your mind, unconsciously sort of thingamybobby? Eh? no
In general I am very happy. There are moments I am sad but overall, even with all the HW I am happy and having the time of my life!
Scanty said:
what are we talking here, happy like all the time? Happy generally? Happy in the back of your mind, unconsciously sort of thingamybobby? Eh? no

Happiness in the Aristotelian sense of "eudaimonia" -- the emotional experience of living well, a feeling of well-being and contentment, a feeling that one's spirit is in harmony with the world.

It is a feeling that one experiences in the core of one's being. One can be sad, lonely, angry, etc, and yet still have that feeling inside that the world is a good place, life is good and it's wonderful to be here.
I'm happy, and hyperactive at the moment, don't ask why though :D

I'm all happiness, even when I'm sad. Ok, I may not seem happy, but I'm indeed happy to be alive and to have an excuse to get more alcohol... :)
im happy
4-day weekend, half day today, no homework yesterday, noly a bit of homework today. well i spent 4 hours workign on homework mondqya so i deserve a break...
Well im really happy to be back on the MotherShip with the Quotonians
generally VERY happy, will be happier in a few wekks

today right now no, cousin who i am nursemaiding was rushed to the emergency, she had an operation last week (hence I am nursemaiding) but there was some bad stuff this monring
paul_valaru said:
generally VERY happy, will be happier in a few wekks

today right now no, cousin who i am nursemaiding was rushed to the emergency, she had an operation last week (hence I am nursemaiding) but there was some bad stuff this monring
Sorry t' hear about that, Paul. Hope she comes out of it OK.

Generally happy...VERY happy requires a bigger budget ;)
Depends when you catch me... right now i'm around 6 on the 1-10 (10 being best) scale. Normally I run closer to 8 but I've been having a lot of health issues and death around me lately so it has slipped a little.
Mostly happy over all, though not so happy today cuz kitty is to be put down tomorrow.... But over all more or less happy