happy post naked day!!!

Just a minute...

...do socks count? ...

okay Luis, there you go. Wanna picture? :lloyd:
eBayer goes for bust in ashtray auction
Mamtastic offer
By Lester Haines
Published Monday 19th June 2006 09:44 GMT

That stainless steel ashtray in fullNSFW Ashtray vendors take note: one eBayer has discovered an excellent way of drumming up interest in what is hardly the most vibrant second-hand market.

Our correspondent Glenn explains: "Look closely at the pic on this eBay listing, which was causing shockingly un-PC guffaws in Birmingham today..."

Terrific. We're delighted to report that what's on offer here is described as "never been used, very solid and weighty item, in excellent condition". Agreed. The ashtray's not bad, either.

Regular eBay monitors will, of course, remember the (not safe for work)shocking case of the 19 inch monitor photograph - an excellent example of the eBay "reflectoporn" genre. There's more such silliness (not safe for work)here (NSFW, natch).

It just remains for us to say that we absolutely forbid sniggering readers to molest the vendor of the weighty stainless steel ashtray with innuendo-laden emails and unnecessarily juvenile questions. Thank you. ®

Why don't the young & fit spend as much public time nekkid as the not so young & far from fit?
Nixy, I'm afraid that you especially are going to have to post naked and show us the pictures. That's the sort of thing that comes with being in a position of authority here. :grinyes:
Inkara1 said:
Nixy, I'm afraid that you especially are going to have to post naked and show us the pictures. That's the sort of thing that comes with being in a position of authority here. :grinyes:

I could post naked... but then again I think there could be climactic dangers on a cosmic scale if I were to do that. Remember that box... that that girl wasn't supposed to open? I'm just trying to save us all a lot of grief by NOT tearing a hole in the space-time continuum. Trust me. ;)

That didn't come out as funny as I'd hoped. My train of thought has DAD... and dyslexia.