Hard habit to break

yeah us blue blood Yankees are just better than
the rest of you

sucks to be you

you know its true
I guess I thought you'd be here forever
Another illusion I chose to create
You don't know what you've got
Until its gone
And I found out a little too late

*runs away from the song in the head*
Gonz said:
There can't be a federal if the states run away. Cohesion, above all else, otherwise it's Germany, France, Croatia, Romania, Spain, Portugal, et al....all over again.

So you'd stay married if your wife was caught screwing the Green Bay Packers, right?

Oh, and thanks for the Lee compliment. I certainly try.
SouthernN'Proud said:
So you'd stay married if your wife was caught screwing the Green Bay Packers, right?

Before, or after the .380 is involved in a 'crime of passion'...:grumpy:
Another case of "Hey, let's ignore the Constitution, everyone's favorite uncle needs some more cash in his wallet!"

I do question the idea of seccession - The Constitution is great. A government following the Constitution to the dot would be an excellent government. The Constitution ensures liberty for people. It's the damned red bastards in the government who want to take away that liberty for their greed.

Don't leave the Constitution, vote the commies out of the government and return the government to the way it is supposed to be, strictly following the constitution. See sig for details.

The Constitution said:
...nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

The Communist Interpretation of the Constitution said:
...nor shall private property be taken for public use, unless tax revenue will increase by stealing private property.
SouthernN'Proud said:
Arizona doesn't have a side. When all this was going on, y'all were Mexicans.


SnP said:
So you'd stay married if your wife was caught screwing the Green Bay Packers, right?

Country, not useless spouse (if she were scrweing the Packers I'd point & laugh first)
So the good of the people pales to the good of the Gonz. Fascinating. A separate standard for your own circumstances as opposed to what you would have me put up with.

For the record, if Indiana wanted out, I'd say let 'em go...

Dictator Lincoln said:

It's fun, you open the door every time, and you make my case for me without realizing it. You're the best assistant I ever had. :kiss:
If Indiana wanted out...hell, push IN out for all I care :p

SouthernN'Proud said:
So the good of the people pales to the good of the Gonz.

Well, no shit sherlock :D
Wheat...you must have IN confused with Nebraska.

United we stand, divided we fall. What is so hard to understand about that?
It's not. So long as the will of the people involved in unity. We've hashed this out already. By your logic, Poland should still be part of Russia. To hell with what the Poles want, it's better to be unified than free. I disagree. This nation has sent troops, tanks, bombs, guns, you name it to every group of people in the world who desired freedom, except their own. Those they invaded and subjugated. I cannot endorse that. It tells me that the lives of any people anywhere in the world are more valuable than are Southern lives. While that point may be debatable to some, I find it repulsive.
are there very many people down thar that hold that
screwy idea that the civil war is still going on?