Leslie said:
What percent of the population in whatever it is you define as "South" do you believe would actually vote to secede were there a referendum?
Should the legislation I referenced in the Hawaii thread pass, there could well be a serious movement to establish the Confederacy again, or something similar. Given the provisions of that bill as I understand them, there would be a period of time between the passage of the bill and the filing of whatever has to be filed to garner the status provided for by the bill. During that time, most anything could happen.
If a referrendum were held tomorrow, I doubt 25% would support it. Ten years ago however, my estimate would have been three times lower. More and more of us have plain and simple had ENOUGH.
With time, and accurate information disseminated, and the requisite public debates held, people would become more knowledgable. There would always be some who would oppose it for various reasons, and always some like me who would be full bore in favor of it. The middle ground would be about 70-80% of the citizens. Game on.
That's getting the cart in front of the horse though. The spreading of true, accurate historical information is the most important thing right now, secession or not. We have 160+ years of lies to beat back, and generations more of clandestine hatred to deal with, before we worry about that. I only hope to see it happen in my lifetime. It looks more and more like that might happen.