

molṑn labé
Staff member
Reagan ingored somethign that wasn't a national problem & got lambasted.
AlBore is inciting near riots over a non problem & is a hero.

The alternate universe theory grows stronger.

A quarter of a century after the outbreak of Aids, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has accepted that the threat of a global heterosexual pandemic has disappeared.

In the first official admission that the universal prevention strategy promoted by the major Aids organisations may have been misdirected, Kevin de Cock, the head of the WHO's department of HIV/Aids said there will be no generalised epidemic of Aids in the heterosexual population outside Africa.

Dr De Cock, an epidemiologist who has spent much of his career leading the battle against the disease, said understanding of the threat posed by the virus had changed. Whereas once it was seen as a risk to populations everywhere, it was now recognised that, outside sub-Saharan Africa, it was confined to high-risk groups including men who have sex with men, injecting drug users, and sex workers and their clients.

What a name for this job.

or, rather, the sky isn't falling, it seems.

so, um, gonz, who are the "haters?"

doesn't seem like al whore is a hero to you. doubt you and your ilk lambasted raygun either. seems like this is just a little kneejerking. or maybe they are always attacking your side, somehow. your guys get all the bad raps and the other guys and gals get all the applause. yep. nobody ever kriticized clinton. or carter. heroes to all. :buck:
Those who didn't buy into the AIDS is gonna kill us all craze were considered haters.

Much like those who don't buy into the sky is warming (correction chcr) are haters.

Nothing changes but the emotions.
hmmm. i never thought the AIDS thing would be the death of us all, and i'm not sold either way on the global warming thing, though i must say i find those representing both sides of the debate quite annoying.

does that make me a hater, gonz? i don't feel like a hater. but someday i'm hoping to be a mother.
Dr De Cock, an epidemiologist who has spent much of his career leading the battle against the disease

That should have been heading...

So somebody finally figured out that the AIDS was just mainly killin' fags and junkies in these parts? We can safely dip our wicks again?


Hellifino. Ask the paranoid get the gov't to control your life crowd.

You mean like the Patriot Act supporters who bought into the war on terror nonsense?

Or the paranoid people afraid of gay marriage, immigrants, commies, etc?
That should have been heading...

So somebody finally figured out that the AIDS was just mainly killin' fags and junkies in these parts? We can safely dip our wicks again?

Psst...thats heterosexually challenged and chemically dependent...:eyemouth:
Reagan ingored somethign that wasn't a national problem & got lambasted.

Not a national problem?

"Today there are an estimated 1.039 million to 1.185 million HIV-positive individuals living in the United States"


Also, t's weird that you would take one report from WHO as absolute proof of something it didn't even say when you ignore that same organization's report that the US healthcare system ranks 37th in the world.

I guess you believe what you want regardless of facts.
Psst...thats heterosexually challenged and chemically dependent...:eyemouth:

K, I reword it...

So somebody finally figured out that the heterosexually challenged AIDS was just mainly killin' fags and junkies in these parts? We can safely dip our chemically dependent wicks again?

"Today there are an estimated 1.039 million to 1.185 million HIV-positive individuals living in the United States"

About 90% of those became so after the facts were well known, so, no, it's not a national problem.
Could you translate that so it makes sense that a million people with a deadly disease is not a national problem?

If we have facts about immigration, gas prices, or heart disease does that make them not a national problem?
Kevin de Cock????????

You have GOT to be shittin' me!

Is that anything like Patrick Fitzmichael and Michael Fitzpatrick?

Those who didn't buy into the AIDS is gonna kill us all craze were considered haters.

Much like those who don't buy into the sky is warming (correction chcr) are haters.

Nothing changes but the emotions.

The GW skeptics have been branded "deniers" by those who want to paint them as the equivalent of holocaust deniers. The choice of that word was no mere coincidence. It was chosen intentionally.
Could you translate that so it makes sense that a million people with a deadly disease is not a national problem?

They volunteered for their disease. They knew the risks & engaged in the behavior.
You could say that about a lot of health issues which would make them not a national problem by your logic.

What does that mean to you exactly? We should stop looking for cures?