
Short of abstinence.

Call me biased. I'd prefer to see a few more fundraisers for, oh I dunno, maybe melanoma...another potentially fatal disease that is largely avoidable and afflicts a small minority of the population more than any other segment, same as AIDS. Never hear it mentioned though...maybe a pro basketball player needs to contract it first I guess. Or maybe the lead singer of some British rock band.
Or maybe they lump that in with Cancer, which has been researched for over 1,000 years now and there still is no cure. There are recommendations that are given to avoid the risk, but you see how well people heed these.

Yes, I believe that the majority of people would agree that there are several other bad things that you can get without the use of protection, but what they are saying is that heterosexuals outside of Africa are not at risk.

Whereas once it was seen as a risk to populations everywhere, it was now recognised that, outside sub-Saharan Africa, it was confined to high-risk groups including men who have sex with men, injecting drug users, and sex workers and their clients.

That is simply not true, it is still a risk, just as herpes is a risk.

I just think it's important to note that the reason it is not a High risk to heterosexuals now is at least partly because of increased awareness. Increased awareness that was brought about by the use of extensive advertising and other campaigns that highlighted the fact that ANYONE could get this disease.