Have you been Googled?

tank girl

New Member
:eyepop:Googly eyes are watching you:eyepop:
"The company everyone loves knows more about you than you might realize. And that’s just for starters...."



interesting stuff.​
In other words, Orwell was wrong. Huxley was right. We’re not losing our privacy because the forces of evil and oppression are taking it away from us. We’re losing it because we’re giving it away, whether we know it or not. What we’re getting in return is stuff, convenience, information, an easier way of life. And we like it.

Whoo gives'a crap.

Who am I suppose to be hiding from, and why?

So what if they find me, what am I hiding.

The real question would be, who would hesitate when they did find me.
Newsflash: When you go outside, PEOPLE CAN SEE YOU! SCARY!

So what if people know who I am?
Hell....maybe they can help me recall what I did on the night of June 14th, 1985 (Grad night) - other than that..what use is all that info on individuals. Groups of people, I can see being a marketing aid...but single users?

Waste of server space.
Frankly most people are too boring to be worth collecting information about or have any of their "juicy" searches collected and filed.