Have you checked your Virtual Fortune cookie today?

yeah, i'm suppose to lose some paperwork this morning. wanna hear something weird? i got into an arguement with my husband over the phone because he misplaced his paperwork binder and i was telling him it was not in the house. he was insistant.....until he found it under his cd case in the car...kinda freaky...makes me wanna try it again...
hmm........."You will soon be drowning in great waters"


skipping bath-night
i got the vital papers will demonstrate their vitality by moving to places where you cant find them
New day....new cookie :)

"To get what you want, you must commit yourself to dark forces"

I can do that! :) :evilcool:

soul for sale

Man, I wish I knew what in the heck fate had in store. Right now I am at a total loss! Which way do I go? The right fork or the left???? :confuse3: