Have you finished your Chrismukkah shopping?

PostCode said:
Yeah well, oh well. :D It keep me warm on those cold nights on guard duty. :D :D

And how cold were those nights? I mean the temperature had to have plummetted from 95 to, what, 75? Brr... :grinno:
Well, you should know. sure, it's not really that cold, but when the bod gets used to 100+ then December/January roll around and gets down to 50-60 overnight, then it's cold. I remember using our parka's a few times. We didn't really need them, it just felt cold compared to what we had all become used to. That was only when we had to actually get off our tanks and walk around. Most of the time I was on guard I got to sit my ass in the commander's cupola (privilage of being a Sergeant) with a pair of binoc's (not that I could fucking see anything :rolleyes: ) and make my driver fire her up every couple hours then make him run the heater a half hour or so.
Are you telling me that you, or anyone else, never had someone back home slip you a small sized drink in the next care package?
PostCode said:
Are you telling me that you, or anyone else, never had someone back home slip you a small sized drink in the next care package?

Nope. I got mine off of the 'Freedom Bird' DC-10's. Ever see Passenger 57? That elevator is real...and that's where they store the booze. :grinyes:
747 rollin down the strip, airborne tanker going take a little trip

hook up, buckle up, order up a drink...

HomeLAN said:
Haven't even started. I'm trying to maintain my unbroken string of panic Christmas Eve shopping. :D

I'll probably do a ton online, but one thing is bugging me. The wife tells me she want pajamas, since she's lost a lot of weight and hers no longer fit (pajamas, folks, like flannel - not sexy).

That's fine, but it seems so...pedestrian. I need to figure out something to get her in addition to the pj's that still keeps me at or near oyur agreed $100 limit.

What about a really nice bath kit and then she can get into her jammies after a relaxing bath? Or maybe get a certificate for a half hour massage? Maybe some new slippers?

That is all I can think of right now.
hmmm...$100 limit...after looking at todays reciepts, i just might try that next year.
which reminds me, i think the cards might be cool enough to put back in my wallet...
HomeLAN said:
Haven't even started. I'm trying to maintain my unbroken string of panic Christmas Eve shopping. :D

I'll probably do a ton online, but one thing is bugging me. The wife tells me she want pajamas, since she's lost a lot of weight and hers no longer fit (pajamas, folks, like flannel - not sexy).

That's fine, but it seems so...pedestrian. I need to figure out something to get her in addition to the pj's that still keeps me at or near oyur agreed $100 limit.

OK, well, you can get nice looking flannel PJs at WalMart here for like $11 so I'd assume they'd be cheaper there...a few pairs of those will leave most of your budget open for something else...
How bout hitting a lingerie shop, and getting her a couple pair of flannels, and some lovely thick luxurious slippers and a nice fleecy robe, a book to take to bed in the jammies...you know what I'm getting at...the gift of luxury and quality and pampering.
Oh, and as for my shopping...Chris is done...my brother I just need some little stocking stuffer and my mom I know what I'm getting just have to get it...have one thing for her...two more I need to get...one from me and one a splitsies with my bro (we'll prolly put it as a gift from the dog or something)
Good ideas, folks. Thanks. Unfortunately, I've done pretty much all of those at one time or another over the past year. She doesn't need slippers, or a robe, or bath stuff. I'll figure something out.
HomeLAN said:
Good ideas, folks. Thanks. Unfortunately, I've done pretty much all of those at one time or another over the past year. She doesn't need slippers, or a robe, or bath stuff. I'll figure something out.
dude. karen's lost a bunch of weight. i bet she'd love some new sexy undies. nothing like new sexy panties when you've lost a buncha weight.
Inkara1 said:
And you don't even have to wait 8-12 weeks! :D

Unless in the process of receiving his rebate he knocks her up :D

Then in 9 months he'll have to wait 8-ish weeks :D
Nixy said:
Unless in the process of receiving his rebate he knocks her up :D

Then in 9 months he'll have to wait 8-ish weeks :D
haha...haha...8-ish weeks! :laugh5:

they tell you 6 but i don't think anyone actually waits that long.
tonksy said:
haha...haha...8-ish weeks! :laugh5:

they tell you 6 but i don't think anyone actually waits that long.

I think I was thinking after a C-section...2months I heard.
Oh, and I am one step closer to done my shopping now. I actually have SOMETHING for my mom's stocking...more is still needed but this thing is good, OH so good!

There are these icey chocolate squares things that she LOVES and they normally come in huge packages and she doesn't eat a lot of junk food and she gets headaches from chocolate (but still endulges every so oten) and I saw a little bag of them today so I bought them! :)