
you forgot 4. Repeat cause after the sex as long as you can keep it up, you're dehydrated and need a nap again :p
unclehobart said:
I only get migraines every other year... so these kind of hell-hammer meds would probably be wasted on me.

A proper doc would probably just tell me to exercise more and lay off the vices.

The best thing about the triptans is that you only take one when the migraine starts. And they work wonders - the migraine disappears within minutes.

Dude, I don't mean to alarm you, but you might want to see a doctor, particularly if the headaches are severe and accompanied by a stiff neck. A co-worker's wife had a bad headache that wouldn't stop, she was sent by her doc for a CAT scan and other tests, and they discovered that she had meningitis. Anyone living in a household with small children is susceptible.
It's definitely the wimmens. I've been in a house with four of them going on 6 years now, and it still hurts....

That or go see a doc. Whens the last time you saw a doc?
immatrex does wonders for migraines. PsudoEphid will cause withdrawls, but generally not after 2 weeks. Ice pack applied to the affected area to for about 5-10 minutes to reduce the swelling of tissues around the area of the headache (this would be my best advice).

Around here people get headaches from the defoliant they spray on the cotton this time of year.

I live with 6 wimmin folk. When they cause the head-ache, you know exactly what caused it. :D
The headaches are stemming from inflammations and 'kinks' in the neck that are appearing for who knows what reason. I could probably get a chiro to get a good 20 pops a day from me if I let 'em. The main question is what could be causing them. I have an orthapedic pillow that I bought because the same thing was happening in early summer. Advil and the like help to stem the headaches if for nothing more than their anti-inflam properties. The stresses in my life are fairly bla at the moment... so I will curtail my focus down to ragweeds and dehydration and dietary abuse and see if that has any effect.
And I know that this will have no effect other than the usual "well, he'll just tell me blah-blah and charge me 75 bucks", but if this has been or continues to go on for more than 2 weeks, Go see a fuckin' doctor!
HomeLAN said:
And I know that this will have no effect other than the usual "well, he'll just tell me blah-blah and charge me 75 bucks", but if this has been or continues to go on for more than 2 weeks, Go see a fuckin' doctor!

Now, if not sooner, please.
HomeLAN said:
Go see a fuckin' doctor!

I don't think this can be repeated too many times....

You really are being a bit of a daft bugger about this hobart :eh:
ok, what you do is get a black live chicken, then on a full moon, you have to wear banana peels, and chase the chicken northward.

after the cops come to arrest you, mouth off to them, call them donut eating coffee sponges, then they will beat you to uncousiousness, and poof no headache (till you wake up again)

Gato_Solo said:

not at all, white live chickens is for constipation, cause then the cops beat the shit out of you.

brown live chickens is for tense muscles, cause the cops tenderize you
HomeLAN said:
And I know that this will have no effect other than the usual "well, he'll just tell me blah-blah and charge me 75 bucks", but if this has been or continues to go on for more than 2 weeks, Go see a fuckin' doctor!
What doctor do you go to that costs 75 bucks? I haven't walked out of a doctors office owing less than 200... and thats just for listening to me and not doing anything. God forbid they would pick up an instrument. Thats another 50 bucks a gander. Drawing blood would 125 a needle... and any kind of test starts at 800. If I went to a doc, I would have stress headaches because of owing 2000 with no problem solved. I will never go to a doctor unless the symptoms are beyond subjection.
Like I said, not that it'll do me any good, but I had to say it.

FTR, where would you be if you'd never seen a doc about your allergies?
unclehobart said:
What doctor do you go to that costs 75 bucks? I haven't walked out of a doctors office owing less than 200... and thats just for listening to me and not doing anything. God forbid they would pick up an instrument. Thats another 50 bucks a gander. Drawing blood would 125 a needle... and any kind of test starts at 800. If I went to a doc, I would have stress headaches because of owing 2000 with no problem solved. I will never go to a doctor unless the symptoms are beyond subjection.

two words to ponder: Warren Zevon
It's a friggin headache. You guys are acting as if I said 'I have this pain in my chest and my left arm is numb all the time.'
Then go see a chiropracter and follow his advice. Yes, you may have to go every other day for a week or so but you're looking maybe 50 bucks a whack. Just get some ice packs and/or heating pads ready.
Unc, it sound's like your as stubborn as me about docs. :D
anyway, (if it really doesn't seem too severe ATM)....
you could try upping your vitamin intake as suggested, or more to the point,
vitamin E. You might also try some over-the-counter meds.
I'm not sure which ones are otc, and which all are prescription, as all I currently
take are prescription. I've heard about Celebrex though???

Even though this may not be arthritis, some of the meds could help.
unclehobart said:
It's a friggin headache. You guys are acting as if I said 'I have this pain in my chest and my left arm is numb all the time.'

You're the one whingeing about it :shrug:

Either get it dealt with or deal....